Jihadist video shows boy beheading man


Well-known member
Edit: It's not a movie lol, just a article

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070420/...Hq ZPNPC9IxIF

Pretty crazy...

I'm wondering if this means that the availibility of young men has decreased, and their now getting more desperate for recruits, and as a result are turning to children.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It's hard to say. I can't imagine how badly these people must brainwash anyway, let alone a child, to be able to do that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
It's hard to say. I can't imagine how badly these people must brainwash anyway, let alone a child, to be able to do that.

I think the extreme poverty that a lot of people live in makes it even easier to radicalize them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
It's not uncommon for the young to be recruited in guerilla warfare. :/

While I do understand that, but according to the source, young children while being seen in video's in the past, had yet to be used in combat, or uses as suicide bombers.

I'm just wondering whats changed thats shifted their policy to be inclusive of the young.

But yeh, i know many organizations on a regular basis use children in combat. As sad as that is.


Well-known member
Well consider:

As a soldier it's a lot less palatable to shoot a nine year old than it is to shoot a nineteen year old. We hold the nineteen year old culpable for his actions. A nine year old has been led there by adults, so there's a moment's hesitancy, at which point in time he can ambush attack.

And, as a soldier, should you gun down a nine year old before he suicide bombs and detonates in a market square, or gun down a nine year old because he's holding a firearm, the whole world's eyes are on YOU.

Therefore, using children is a smart move tactically AND strategically for these people.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Well consider:

As a soldier it's a lot less palatable to shoot a nine year old than it is to shoot a nineteen year old. We hold the nineteen year old culpable for his actions. A nine year old has been led there by adults, so there's a moment's hesitancy, at which point in time he can ambush attack.

And, as a soldier, should you gun down a nine year old before he suicide bombs and detonates in a market square, or gun down a nine year old because he's holding a firearm, the whole world's eyes are on YOU.

Therefore, using children is a smart move tactically AND strategically for these people.

I dont disagree with yah there Shim. But I do think (hope) it shows that they are running out of options, else they would have been useing 9 year olds from the start.


Well-known member
That's true, but that handicaps countries like us who have signed the Geneva Conventions treaties (for example) and must abide by rules within warfare.

It's like fighting an opponent with long nails who is trained and determined to go for the eye, fangs who will bite for the jugular, and acid to pour on the skin, whilst all you can do is protect yourself best as possible and use open grip grappling techniques. It simply does not work.

We, as a military cannot use a fifty caliber weapon on a human being. We CAN use it, however, on military equipment. We also can use the repercussions of the shockwaves as weaponry, however we can't actually shoot a person with said weapon.
On the other hand, the opponent can open fire using a coffee can, c4, some wire, and a heat sensor. EFPs are worse than IEDs (if that's imaginable to you) and will destroy even the most uparmored HMV.

By fighting the way we have to fight, we handicap ourselves.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
By fighting the way we have to fight, we handicap ourselves.

Indeed. DH is a Combat Engineer. This is our daily reality unfortunately.


Well-known member
That's true...we're bound by rules of humane warfare.
When did war become anything resembling humane?


Well-known member
Because for whatever reasons, we have to be better people than the people who would like nothing more than to behead us all.


Well-known member
Well, yes, because wearing a target and following arbitrary rules that only endanger us makes so much sense.

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