Job interview FOTD


Well-known member
So the other day i got called about my resume and a company wanted to interview me for a graphic design job...this is what i wore to the interview today!....

Eyes:Magenta pigment,nocturnelle and sketch




so anyways i got the job and i start tomorrow. The president and ceo interviewed me and he hired me on the spot. However i think some of the girls there were bothered that i wore makeup. Soo he told me a litttle lighter on the eye shadow. I think i will be able to work on that issue lol. ill wear him down and soone enough beable to wear my normal makeup style. hahe


Well-known member
Congrats on the job. You may be able to wear him down over time or maybe tone down your makeup for work but whatever the case I know you can work with it. :thumbsup:


Well-known member
Congrats on getting the job! Hopefully they'll get used to your makeup soon, cuz you do a great job with it! Love that combo, too. =D


Well-known member
You look great...what I wonder is why the other women who weren't your boss were concerned? Oh well, congrats on the job.


Well-known member
You're so pretty! You're wearing a perfectly normal amount of eye makeup!It seems to me that the other women at the workplace feel threatened because you're pretty! Maybe they need to be introduced to MAC!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Minrlluv2
You're so pretty! You're wearing a perfectly normal amount of eye makeup!It seems to me that the other women at the workplace feel threatened because you're pretty! Maybe they need to be introduced to MAC!!

LOL! i totaly agree! congrats on the job!


Well-known member
Your makeup looks very nice. I don't think that it's too bright. The girls there were just being haters!!


Well-known member
Gorgeous eyes! Nice makeup and congrats on being hired! Hopefully we can start some sort of revolution so that being at work doesn't mean having to be completely conservative! I understand that there's a line when it comes to being trashy or classy, but I wish rules at work weren't so strict.