

Well-known member
ok it seems like ive been at this search for ages but how on earth do u 'bowl' employers over (in retail) with your CV with zero retail experience ???


Well-known member
whats CV stand for? so your trying to find retail jobs but cant seem to get any because you have no experience in it? because im trying to look for retail jobs, and I turned in applications at, american eagle, claire's accessories, payless, and styles for less. I never got any calls and its been like one month. It makes me wonder if they want people with experience.


Well-known member
the best advice i can give you... is make friends with one of the girls there... someone who works a little more than part time... because thats what my friend does... she visits a lot... talks to them a bunch about the products they sell there... dresses the part... a few weeks later comes back in and puts in an application and the girls are always like "whenever we get an opening we will call you!" and she always gets the job....

try getting a job at the limited too for little kids... if you are in high school... because its just the age they are looking for.... that what little elementary and middle school girls admire at the time. the limited too may not be what you are looking at... but it will get you retail experience... and theyre flexible because everyone that works there is in school, usually. Good luck! Beyond that... any job experience is better than no experience


Well-known member
If you have no employment experience then I would do some volunteering in the mean time, or stress how your volunteer experiences have prepared you with the skills necessary for the job. Like I volunteered for the Lung Association when they had a gardening festival, basically selling garden stuff:p So I mentioned how I worked in their store and handled cash, had customer service experience blah blah. Also try to turn in your resume and cover letter to the manager - since you don't have any previous experience for them to see on paper you want the manager to know you and know that you're interested. If they just had a resume with no experience vs a resume with experience they'd likely go for the experienced person. But if you hand it in to the manager then they can at least place a face to the resume, and know that you're interested and passionate about the job.


Well-known member
ive done 'volunteer' work if u wanna call it that at 2 nurserys, one just recently, but since i havnt handled work on a counter like till or anything they wouldn't be as interested and also bcos it seems obvious a dnt want a career in retail (well at this moment in time) and only want a part time job


forgot to add that i dont just want a part time job i would actually love to work in a shop etc cos i do like clothes and that just that a dont want a future in it at the minute- hope u can understand that lol

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