

Well-known member
I'm 17 on the 1st of April and in full time education studying to get into Oxford university.
I desperately need a job, but everywhere I have applied for have rejected me.
Even McDonalds don't want me.
Am I really that unemployable?


Well-known member
Aww sometimes that's just the way it goes! Keep trying you'll get something, try some smaller/independent places, they'll have less vacancies but at the same time less people approaching them about jobs. They're more likely to hang on to your details too, most bigger places say they do but in reality don't as they just have so many people drop in their CVs/details/applications.

Good luck!


Well-known member
I think sometimes students have a harder time getting a job because the employer knows that a job isn't their main priority and that a student's schedule isn't as flexible as non-students.

That said, if you've not done so already, I'd try to get apps in at places that are open 24/7 and stress that you're willing to work nights and weekends. These are the times that full-time employee usually doesn't want to work, so make that work to your advantage if possible.

Good luck!


Well-known member
This is what scares me about finding a job, i dont take rejection well; i'd probably crawl under a stone and stay there lol.


Well-known member
That was me last summer!! And currently me right now!! I just keep hoping that some business will open up in one of the empty lots in the plazas near me, or that some place where I turned my application in will magically call me for an interview. *sigh* If nothing else, I can always go back to my old job, which I kinda don't like and regularly uses temp agencies so I know I could land a job again, but I would really rather not. But come end of May...

It really isn't you! Be happy that McDonald's didn't want you, because could you really see yourself staying sane working there? I worked briefly in foodservice, and I found out very quickly that I couldn't handle it. They probably know that you would get bored quickly and quit soon after being hired!

Have faith! I know that you'll find a job suited to you soon!!


Well-known member
I totally know how you feel. It's probablyt he main reason I ended up becoming self employed lol.

Keep at it though. Just keep handing in your CV to as many places as you can. Check your local paper's job section every week. Check out the job wall at Connexions. Sign up to an agency for temping work. It does get pretty soul destroying at times but when you get a job, it'll all be worth it.