I'm sorry but I gotta turn into a bitchy person who has to lay it out for you. Why? Mainly because I was in the exact same position you are in 9 months ago.
I gotta agree it is seeming like your being picky, and to be perfectly blunt, I have met very few people who have had success with monster.com or yahoo jobs etc.
The thing is you dont have to be patient. I'm not the most patient person in the world. Believe me sometimes I m sitting there thinking how in the hell can someone be such a dumb ass. The thing is you gotta act like your patient or Get over it.
As for being ditzy, well honestly, I hate to say it but I'll be the bitch, get over it. Only you can allow yourself to be ditzy and no one is born ditzy they act it.
Now as for walking into places, they will wherever you go let you know real fast what the dress code is. No matter where you go there will be a dress code.
To be perfectly honest, your not only being picky but you do seem to have that "teenage" idea that your going to start at the top then cant figure out why the hell no one will hire you for some office position with no experience. It's not being aware it's being picky. Why do I say that? Because first of all, you can work on your weaknesses. Anyone in business will tell you that.
It's not being aware of what you can and cannot do. It's what you don't want to do.
Basically this is the same advice I had to take myself from my Husband. "Get the hell over yourself."
If you seriously think your credit is going down the crap shoot without a job, I can guarentee you that at the age of 22 you are not going to get a management position ANYWHERE at ANY company or ANY office job unless you are insanely lucky and have about 2 years experience under your belt.
I hate to say it but thats the way it is. I'm 23 I have to be a cashier at home depot. I have a lot of experience working with people so I have a pretty decent hourly pay. Without tooting my own horn, because of my experience, I am one of the highest paid at the registers.
I seriously did not want to work at home depot. I can think of a TON of negatives there. But they called and after I sat down and went through orientation I had to think, I can sit and bitch about how aweful my life is working at home depot OR I can look for the positives.
The bottom line is, as my husband put it: Get over yourself. 2) Get over your weaknesses they are only dragging you behind work on them. 3) Don't bother applying to monster or whatever go out on foot and put your resume in anywhere they will take it.
Nothing says you can't quit after a month. Wont look good on the resume though.
Now, after I have been a total bitch. Please understand that if I werent in your shoes not too long ago I wouldn't be in your face like this. It's just the way the cookie crumbles until you get experience.
As for waitressing, your going to have jerks all over the place. You can't escape them you can only deal with how you react to them. And now is the perfect time to start putting in your application/resume. Holidays are a good time.