

Well-known member
I've been looking for a job for awhile now and nothing has come through. I don't want to work in a store for the life of me, but it seems like that might be the only way to go. Any suggestons on which ones are better then most? As far as pay and atmosphere goes. I have like $700 in credit card bills I need to pay off as well as car insurance and stuff so this is very important. Any advice would be greatly appericated.


New member
Have you tried a temp agency?

That is how my hubby found his job that he has been at for 6 years.

They can not only get you temp jobs but they help place with employers that's looking to bring in people for long term.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
Have you tried a temp agency?

That is how my hubby found his job that he has been at for 6 years.

They can not only get you temp jobs but they help place with employers that's looking to bring in people for long term.

How do you go about finding those?


Well-known member
I manage a restaurant and while yes it's hard work waiting tables, you can't beat the fast cash you have coming in. Not sure if waiting tables is an option for you, but if you get in a bind I know a lot of our teen girls come out with $95 on a thursday night.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MrsWaves
I manage a restaurant and while yes it's hard work waiting tables, you can't beat the fast cash you have coming in. Not sure if waiting tables is an option for you, but if you get in a bind I know a lot of our teen girls come out with $95 on a thursday night.

Well, I'm 22 so I don't know I'm still a teen, but I wouldn't work as a waitress. I worked in a store one time in a deli and it was a bad experience. My second day there some guy grabbed my ass so I decided never again would I do that kind of work.


New member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
How do you go about finding those?

Look in the phone book usually under Employment.

Best of luck on your search!


Well-known member
I hate to say it but have you considered a place like Home Depot or Lowes?

I'm paying my way through college and DH is taking care of DD during the evening when I work. It's good pay
Or they pay me well. But then I have like a min of 7 years experience under my belt too.... (dealing with people)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
I hate to say it but have you considered a place like Home Depot or Lowes?

I'm paying my way through college and DH is taking care of DD during the evening when I work. It's good pay
Or they pay me well. But then I have like a min of 7 years experience under my belt too.... (dealing with people)

If you knew me you would have never suggested those places for me. I know nothing about those places and I'm ditzy as hell. I wouldn't fit in there. I would walk in wearing my heels and whatever and they would just be like ok... no lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
Look in the phone book usually under Employment.

Best of luck on your search!

Thanks I will check this out.


Well-known member
This is not the warm and fuzzy answer and I hope it doesn't come off as too bitchy but: being picky is not the way to find a job. I have this conversation with my brother whenever he finds himself between workplaces. You need to work to pay bills, eat and put a roof over your head. If something imperfect comes along but will accomplish those things, take it and keep looking until something more suitable arises - it inevitably does. Apply for everything, even things you think you might not be qualified for. Who knows what you might find or might find you. Look in the newspaper, go to the stores in the mall, look online for places around you that let you apply on the internet, go through and, as previously noted, try temp agencies.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasper17
This is not the warm and fuzzy answer and I hope it doesn't come off as too bitchy but: being picky is not the way to find a job. I have this conversation with my brother whenever he finds himself between workplaces. You need to work to pay bills, eat and put a roof over your head. If something imperfect comes along but will accomplish those things, take it and keep looking until something more suitable arises - it inevitably does. Apply for everything, even things you think you might not be qualified for. Who knows what you might find or might find you. Look in the newspaper, go to the stores in the mall, look online for places around you that let you apply on the internet, go through and, as previously noted, try temp agencies.

I'm not being picky. I have been looking in the paper everyday, looked on yahoo hot jobs and Like one job popped up on those and i applied for it, but no one has contacted me back. I've applied to hotels, hospitals, one store, and a couple other places. It's not about being pickys, it's not being able to find anything. Every opening I've seen I have applied for. I don't get where you saw that I was being picky. I've been working my ass off trying to find a job.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
I'm not being picky. I have been looking in the paper everyday, looked on yahoo hot jobs and Like one job popped up on those and i applied for it, but no one has contacted me back. I've applied to hotels, hospitals, one store, and a couple other places. It's not about being pickys, it's not being able to find anything. Every opening I've seen I have applied for. I don't get where you saw that I was being picky. I've been working my ass off trying to find a job.

Actually, I got that in a couple places.


Originally Posted by lovemichelle
I don't want to work in a store for the life of me, but it seems like that may be the only way to go.

And here:

Originally Posted by lovemichelle
Well, I'm 22 so I don't know I'm still a teen, but I wouldn't work as a waitress. I worked in a store one time in a deli and it was a bad experience. My second day there some guy grabbed my ass so I decided never again would I do that kind of work.

I'm not trying to be rude; that's just what I see in the posts in this thread. There are a lot of options out there. It's getting to be the holidays so there are probably even more than usual now. One bad experience is not a reason to give up if it means the difference between wrecking your credit or not being able to eat and doing something to earn the money to stop those things.


Well-known member
The resturants thing is not being picky it's about being who I am and I know how guys act. I don't know if you ever worked and had a guy grab your ass, but it's a shitty ass feeling. Being harased by men is not fun to me and has happened in all resturant style jobs. I will get asked out 20 times a day or rude comments will come flying and I can not deal with that.

And stores yeah because I have no patience and that is key when working in that kind of environment. I don't see it as being picky, it's being aware and knowing what I can and can not do.


Well-known member
I'm sorry but I gotta turn into a bitchy person who has to lay it out for you. Why? Mainly because I was in the exact same position you are in 9 months ago.

I gotta agree it is seeming like your being picky, and to be perfectly blunt, I have met very few people who have had success with or yahoo jobs etc.

The thing is you dont have to be patient. I'm not the most patient person in the world. Believe me sometimes I m sitting there thinking how in the hell can someone be such a dumb ass. The thing is you gotta act like your patient or Get over it.

As for being ditzy, well honestly, I hate to say it but I'll be the bitch, get over it. Only you can allow yourself to be ditzy and no one is born ditzy they act it.

Now as for walking into places, they will wherever you go let you know real fast what the dress code is. No matter where you go there will be a dress code.

To be perfectly honest, your not only being picky but you do seem to have that "teenage" idea that your going to start at the top then cant figure out why the hell no one will hire you for some office position with no experience. It's not being aware it's being picky. Why do I say that? Because first of all, you can work on your weaknesses. Anyone in business will tell you that.

It's not being aware of what you can and cannot do. It's what you don't want to do.

Basically this is the same advice I had to take myself from my Husband. "Get the hell over yourself."

If you seriously think your credit is going down the crap shoot without a job, I can guarentee you that at the age of 22 you are not going to get a management position ANYWHERE at ANY company or ANY office job unless you are insanely lucky and have about 2 years experience under your belt.

I hate to say it but thats the way it is. I'm 23 I have to be a cashier at home depot. I have a lot of experience working with people so I have a pretty decent hourly pay. Without tooting my own horn, because of my experience, I am one of the highest paid at the registers.

I seriously did not want to work at home depot. I can think of a TON of negatives there. But they called and after I sat down and went through orientation I had to think, I can sit and bitch about how aweful my life is working at home depot OR I can look for the positives.

The bottom line is, as my husband put it: Get over yourself. 2) Get over your weaknesses they are only dragging you behind work on them. 3) Don't bother applying to monster or whatever go out on foot and put your resume in anywhere they will take it.

Nothing says you can't quit after a month. Wont look good on the resume though.

Now, after I have been a total bitch. Please understand that if I werent in your shoes not too long ago I wouldn't be in your face like this. It's just the way the cookie crumbles until you get experience.

As for waitressing, your going to have jerks all over the place. You can't escape them you can only deal with how you react to them. And now is the perfect time to start putting in your application/resume. Holidays are a good time.


Well-known member
I regret even posting this. I am not being picky. There are certain things people will and will not do. For me it's working in a resturant. I don't feel the need to get hit on while working. I go thru it enough just going shopping or driving around town. Since you don't know who I am, you wouldn't understand. Guys treat girls like me as if were just meat. It's sick and I will not go thru it one more time. That's not being picky to me. And Home Depot. Sure let me work in a home improvement store when I don't even know how to cut grass. I might as well wait a little longer and do something I have some kinda skill in.

Can someone delete this? The comments so far are uncalled for and not helpful.


Well-known member
girl im from NYC and i dont know where you're from but i know all about the harassment from the guys at the work place/train station/restaurant/street/corner etc etc etc. its a fact of life where i live and i know it TOTALLY SUCKS and nobody should have to put up with that kinda sh** but you have to suck it up. Granted I've never worked in a restaurant before but i worked at BURGER KING and a supermarket.

ive done the retail thing, ive done retail my whole dang life and if you're still in college i think it might be a good route to take. youbeabitch had a good point with Home Depot/Lowes cause they are one of the higher paying stores. Try something like Best Buy or Circuit City cause believe it or not i survived my senior year of college by selling TVs and i didnt know a thing about them.

they're not going to throw you into the lions and make you sell lumber right probably wont even sell lumber hahaha j/k

Those people that harass you are going to be EVERYWHEREEEE regardless of what kinda job you have. I'm temporarily safe at work but then I get it once i get on that train!

good luck in your job search!


Well-known member

I don't think anyone is attacking you, they are trying to give advice, as you asked in your original post. Just because it isn't exactly what you wanted to hear, try to have an open mind because their advice just might help.

Me, for instance: I work at American Eagle. I love my job, great discount, fun atmosphere, awesome clothes, very flexible schedule. Downside: shitty pay, military guys on the weekends (I live near a huge army base in a small town with nothing to do but go to the mall, therefore the GI's come in trying to pick us employees up)
Yeah it sucks sometimes, but you have to learn to ignore it or else it will hurt your self esteem.

I agree with you that there are somethings you feel strongly against doing, and that's your right. You just have to way the pluses and minuses. I have never worked in a restaurant because i don't think I would enjoy it, but you better believe that if I needed to pay my bills I would.


Well-known member
and also, if you are looking for a job, when you apply you have to call them! 99% of the time they will not call you, you have to call and call and call and ask, "have you looked at my application?" "are you still hiring?" "have you made a desicion?" "can I set up an interview?" etc etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
girl im from NYC and i dont know where you're from but i know all about the harassment from the guys at the work place/train station/restaurant/street/corner etc etc etc. its a fact of life where i live and i know it TOTALLY SUCKS and nobody should have to put up with that kinda sh** but you have to suck it up. Granted I've never worked in a restaurant before but i worked at BURGER KING and a supermarket.

ive done the retail thing, ive done retail my whole dang life and if you're still in college i think it might be a good route to take. youbeabitch had a good point with Home Depot/Lowes cause they are one of the higher paying stores. Try something like Best Buy or Circuit City cause believe it or not i survived my senior year of college by selling TVs and i didnt know a thing about them.

they're not going to throw you into the lions and make you sell lumber right probably wont even sell lumber hahaha j/k

Those people that harass you are going to be EVERYWHEREEEE regardless of what kinda job you have. I'm temporarily safe at work but then I get it once i get on that train!

good luck in your job search!

i cant even begin to tell you how i deal with it on a daily basis. everyone who spends time with me sees it and can't believe it. I don't live in the city, but in NY. there is nothing really close to my house and most places said they weren't even hiring. I am in college, but I also have a degree already. Nothing around here has to do with that degree though. I plan on moving one day and will be able to use my skills. but either way i respect what everyone has said, even tho a lot iof it seemed judgmental. i need a job, but its not life or death so the comments seemed like they were too much.

i also try to stay away from places like resturants because i know how my boyfriend can get and i dont need problems. its not worth it.


Well-known member
Sweetie, we're not attacking you, we're telling you like it is. Seriously, If I wasn't in your same position 9 months ago I would've never even been so blunt.

I will say I think you are saying its uncalled for because it hurt your feelings a bit. I know its not what you want to hear what we're telling you-hell I didnt want to hear it.

But with the jobs thats just how it is. I mean I wish I could change it but I can't. No one says you have to work at a restraunt. Personally when I started really looking I didnt even apply to a restraunt.

The thing is, even though we're sounding harsh-even though you dont need the money that bad right now-the problem lies with anybody. I would give my daughter this exact same advice and I will as soon as she turns 16 she is being told to get a job-and it will be just as harsh then as it is now.

When you do need the money a lot you will *still* need to look at this. It's not something you can just push under the carpet you know?

Now, there is nothing I hate more than someone who has never been in a similar situation and then preaching at you. At least I've been there. I didn't even get a job because we were in debt, I just wanted to buy makeup and gifts and stuff and not put us in debt.

I can almost guarentee that anyone who truely cared about you would tell you the exact same thing.

If all you want is to pay off $700 ebays the way to do it or a yard sale. Then you wont have to work.

And as for someone up above saying that people dont know about stuff but they get paid for it (like they wouldn't stick you in lumber your first day)- it's true. Seriously I have NO clue about lumber but I use my resources. Thats another thing you will learn, always ALWAYS use your resources. You may not have a clue in the world what the hell someone is talking about but if they say something that you know of a department, you call that department (or person etc) and the customer will think your the smartest person alive. Thats with ANYTHING in life too.

Again, I'd tell my daughter this. I wish I could change it but I can't.