John Mayer Ring Shopping...

I'm not buying this story yet... but John Mayer is supposedly shopping for the perfect engagement ring and planning to pop the question to Jen. I hope it's true... they are adorable together



Well-known member
They are too cute togther...they have dated long enough I hope so too..time for some babies!!!


Well-known member
I have been a die hard jm fan since he started out YEARS ago and as lame-o as it sounds I have always thought he deserved to be with someone with beauty and brains (not just beauty like most of the bimbos he's dated) and I LOVE Jennifer aniston. She's funny and she's got soul! I hope they get married. They make a very cute couple!!!!!! :0) As long as he doesn't stop making amazing music
My suspicions were valid... now the story has completely turned around... now the talk is that John just broke up with Jen...

Mayer Dumps Aniston?

ohyyy their relationship (or at least the rumors surrounding it) are so up and down!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I hope he isn't buying her a ring.

I don't think they're a good match at all :/ In fact I was outraged when I found out about their hook up, and that's rare. John Mayer is way too sexy for her. But he's just right fo' me!


Well-known member

yeah i heard about the breakup this morning on the radio, then i saw this thread and i'm like.. huh?

i dont really care either way, break up get married i dont give a crap..haha


Well-known member
Now there's speculation from his twitter page that he's mourning over the break-up.

That couple has more relationship drama than I do- and that's really saying something.

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