Just another newbie!


Active member
Hi all! I'm not good at intros, but my name is Linz, I am 22, married to a wonderful man, and I live in Hawaii.

My MAC experience:
The only MAC product I use are eyeshadows, and I don't use any other brand because MAC are the only ones that will stay all day! (for me
) I want to find out how to apply eyeshadows to get a more "dramatic", professional look.

I like to wear bright shades including teals, pinks, purples, and blues. When I am not wearing my contacts (which isn't often!), I wear greens that match my true eye color. I love finding new combos and am always open to suggestions.

I don't wear lipstick (husband thinks when I wear it I don't want to kiss him lol), and I haven't had any luck with MAC foundations/powder. I tried the matte foundation when I was in High School, but I really don't think the MAC artist got the color right (NC20), was way orange and I hated it. I am willing to try again with the right advice though!

Oh, and I heard about this forum through MUA! Thanks girls!


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra girl!! hawaii sounds so cool- i'd love to go there one day!! I'm loving your interest in colours for e/s. hope to see some FOTD's from you soon


Active member
If I can figure out how to get decent pics of myself I will gladly participate in FOTD!

Thanks for the welcome


New member
You lucky gal living in Hawaii! My husband's family is from Hawaii. Such lovely people!

You should check out the turtorial area and FOTD area for great ideas!

Can't wait to see some of your FOTD'S!


Well-known member
Hi linz_v and welcome to Specktra!


I'm sure you'll have as much fun here as we have every day!

Believe me, this forum is addicting! Soon you'll start using MAC lipglasses, foundations just because everyone raves about them and make you fell like you can't live without them!
And: It's true!!!