just finished phone interview...


New member
I just finished my phone interview after having two face to face interviews at macys. Just curious now what happens? I think the interview went good but not sure how long the process takes.


Well-known member
Congrats on getting that far.
It really depends on the manager on how long it will take them to call you back. Mine took 3 weeks!! I've heard others say maybe a couple of days. Be patient, and if they don't call within a week you should call the counter you applied for an update on the whole process.
Good luck!


New member
Thanks. =0) Now I have an idea so I'm not getting to anxious. I think this would be a really fun job plus its something completely different for me.


Well-known member
You will love it!!

I started about a month ago and to me it's the greatest job ever.
Let us know the update on the whole process


New member
Guess who's working for macys at estee lauder? me. =0) They called me yesterday to offer me a job. Thanks guys!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spooky1
Guess who's working for macys at estee lauder? me. =0) They called me yesterday to offer me a job. Thanks guys!

congratulations! you must be so happy, i hope you enjoy your new job