just tell me this...


Well-known member
hey girlssss..well
ive got brown eyes...
i want to buy new macs and i was wondering which eyes shadows i mean which colours suit me best...help......


Well-known member
I have brown eyes too and I'm always looking to bulk up my eyeshadow collection!Here are a few of my favs and some combos too:

Club on lid with Cork in crease (stunning on brown eyes if I may say so myself!)

Mulch on lid with Mystery in crease (really makes brown eyes pop)

Twinks on lid with Cork in crease

Trax on lid with Cork in crease

Those are just a few combos..I'm still working on it!Cork is a really good shadow to have though for blending colours out and all of the shadows listed above are ones that my brown eyes certainly couldn't live without!


Well-known member
Forgot to tell you what colours those eyeshadows are!!

Club=brown with green/gold shimmer
Cork=golden brown
Mulch=golden reddish brown with bronze shimmer
Mystery=plummish brown
Trax=burgundy plum with bronze shimmer
Twinks=brownish plum

The complimentary colours for brown eyes are plums, browns and deep greens!

Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Try "greensmoke", its a rich shimmer olive which makes my hazel eyes really light up.

Second recommendation of "Club".


Well-known member
Brown eyes are so versatile - blues , green, purples suppose to make brown eyes pop. What kind of looks do you prefer? I do neutral / bronze looks most of the time but on occasions love to use a pop of colour.

I have dark brown eyes and use these colours:
Woodwinked, Arena, Cork, Bronze, Amber Lights, Trax, Creme de Violet, Club, Steamy, Expensive pink, Sushi Flower, Fertile, Greensmoke, Humid, Freshwater, Aquadisiac, Carbon, All that Glitters.

HTH!!! Happy Shopping.


Well-known member
oh thank u sooo much dollies..well ive tried gold and bronze looks i luv bronze and glitters...

thanx zaralovesmac and showgirl...
this for zori ..well i like having a "nude" face(only blush and lip gloss) i mean most of time was w/t make up cause i was a student..in a month ill have graduated sooo im ready to show my real face...lol ill def post pics...thanx again............