KABOOOM!-- Belated 4th of July FOTD w/ Delineate, Penned, Frostlite- FINALLY!


Well-known member
Well, better late than never- I wish I had these in time for the 4th of July, but I decided to mess with them anyway. I just got home from a hard days work and found my Nordies anniversary FL from MAC at the door- Delineate and Penned.

So, I plopped some hair on my head, quickly messed around with some makeup and snapped a few photos. The smear of lipstick was just to balance out the look- I was not in the mood to be fastidious.

So, this is not supposed to be a photo shoot for a professional competition- just me having fun for a few moments to mess around with my new Fluidlines that FINALLY came. My face has nothing on it but a quick slash of pink glow stick, and my lips just smeared with old lipgloss- I did not do it to be perfect and just so, just going for an overall look idea and colors which I will probably be using sometime in the future.





Frostlite, Delineate, Penned Fluidline (MAC)
Frost, Vanilla, Maroon, Blue Storm, Blue (MAC) pigments
Red Hot (BSB), Bright Red (Sweetscents), Necromantic (BSB)
Midnight Blue (sweetscents), Borgehese silver holographic glitter (for the stars)

Point black liquidlast liner (MAC)

Maybelline Face and Body Pink Glow

Lisee Scandalous Red (just smeared on very messily) I would probably use something like Russian Red or something if I did this look for real.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by orodwen
wonder woman!


I actually DO have a wonderwoman style wig I should try out sometime. HAHAHHAHA

Last night I finally braved trying on my dreads- I think I finally have the nerve to wear them out- never have done it yet.

Then I can be a *sistah*


Well-known member
i love how all your looks are so diverse

and i like the reds you used. makes me think i should look into bsb some more.


Well-known member
vivid as always... your great.... I don't know why I thought you were over in England.... lol....cool necklace too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LineausBH58
vivid as always... your great.... I don't know why I thought you were over in England.... lol....cool necklace too


I know why.

I have this habit of talking just like the people I am hanging around for the day and I was hanging around lots of UK people so I did a FOTD with the word *mum* in it, not even realizing what I did until recently.

I would guess that was why.


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