Kavorkian to be paroled.


Well-known member
I see that as a good thing. I didn't agree with his being sent to prison, because he was just helping people who were in pain, and wanted to go with some dignity. That's just me, though! That's just what I think! I don't pretend to be any authority on morality or something, I just think he was giving his patients what they needed from him. I don't think he should have been punished for helping people die a bit faster and less painfully.

Again. Just me. I completely understand why other people think he's bad.


Well-known member
Hmm this is a thinker.
I think some people they know that it's their time to go or they are going to go soon and they don't want the long drawn out death. That's understandable. But at the same time, actually doing the act-is it indeed murder?

Who knows? If the people were competent enough to say hey, I wanna go without pain and suffering. Help me. That's fine.

Not sure if he should've been jailed but I'm glad he's out. In a way I think he should have been jailed because there is a chance there were copycats-that didn't care about the patients, they just stuck in some kind of drug to kill them. I think he actually cared and did it as an act of mercy but by them putting him in jail, I almost wonder if it stopped any more copycats that would do it without caring. KWIM?


Well-known member
Agreed that he should never have been jailed in the first place. When I think of the way he's been vilified and all the medical negligence and malpractice that goes unpunished, I feel sick. It's not a sin to be merciful.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm glad he's out. I understand arguments against assistant suicide, but he always seemed like a good doctor with the patient's best interest in mind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
That man should never have gone to jail in the first place. I Back Jack.

couldn't agree with you more.


Well-known member
It does kind of scare me when he says he was involved with more than 130 assisted suicides in the 1990s. Possible he made a mistake? I don't think jailing him was the right solution though... there's a lot of people who should be in jail before this guy. And at least now our society has a dialogue about the issue of assisted suicide, or mercy killing, whatever you want to call it.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
He probably, in some sense, made a mistake. Perhaps a patient would've decided differently? Doctors do make mistakes, and some of them are fatal.

I think you should be allowed to die, as long as you're mentally sound. Kavorkian wasn't helping suicidal folks with depression; he was helping those with terminal illnesses. There are many methods to commit suicide (and they're on the internet, with details), but if I were dying of a terminal illness, I'd rather have a doctor help me than do it myself.