Keeping your hair healthy while styling every day?


Well-known member
I'm wondering if anyone has tips, tricks, or products to help keep their hair healthy while still blowdrying, heat styling, backcombing, etc...

When my hair is shorter I can get away with airdrying, but now that I'm growing it long, I need to blowdry and flatiron a lot more. Also I do the pouf, and longer/heavier hair takes a lot more teasing to get it up there. I'm still growing it out too, so what steps should I take to keep it nice and healthy?

Any styling tips? Hair products? What's your regimine (weekly masks or deep conditioners, how you style daily, etc....)



Well-known member
i really like Paul Mithells super skinny line, especially the serum. I think my hair is in way better condition since ive been using it (i flatiron my hair daily)
I also really like pureology products those keep my hair super healthy too.
Sorry those are both sort of expensive, but ive found that its worth it(for me anyways with all the damage i do to my hair!) to spend a little more cash. BUt i buy i cheap shampoo(herbal essences frizz one) and it works great in combination with my other products i use.
if you have any more q's like specific products feel free to ask.


New member
I flatiron alot and I use Schwarzkopf Osis Flatliner iron serum. It's the best i've used so far and keeps my hair healthy.