lashes at bay counter?


Well-known member
stupid question, but.. do they sell lashes at the bay counters? specifically the one in victoria?? tia.


Well-known member
ok thank you! i'm sure my counter will have them then.


Well-known member
I'm from Victoria, and I remember seeing them there before. I don't think they have all of the lashes though, I think some special ones might be pro store exclusives.


Well-known member
I just bought my first pair of lashes (#7) at the downtown counter. I am sure they carry a few different types. You'll have to buy the eyelash glue somewhere else though. Took me forever to hunt some down this close to halloween lol,


Well-known member
my counter has the lashes!

the glue, you will have to find...yes it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack! but i forgot that i bought a tube last year and haven't touched it since...and it is in good shape.

also, as an alternative, they have the black lash adhesive...just something to look for, in case you would prefer something other than the white (which dries clear)


Well-known member
ok yayy thank you all!! yeh, i was in the states last weekend & i snatched up the duo glue for $4 already.
& the lashes i wanted were the #7's (of course).

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