My trick (I am NC 25-30) is to start with a good base. Paint Pots work wonders, like Painterly (which provides good, neutral coverage). Like Honey B. Fly said, layering is key. Crystal is beautiful, and so is Stars N' Rockets. Play with 'warming up' your lavendars by putting warmer (using a light hand--this is to warm up the shade, not change it or dirty it up) dust the warmer, golder shade underneath then layer the lavendar more intensely. Or, when shopping for e/s, look for added sheen already in them like "red" or "gold" reflects as a base. Silver reflects will be cooler. On the MAC website, you can play around by putting your pointer over the e/s swatches and it will tell you what reflects (if shimmery) the eyeshadows contain. HTH!!