Law School?


Well-known member
I was just curious if anyone here has gone to or is going to law school. How difficult would you say it is from your experience? I was a good student, I always did well in school and find it pretty easy to apply myself but I hate being called on in class and am not such a pro at public speaking. Would law school be a bad idea for me?

I have no idea what I want to do career-wise, so I've been trying to explore as many options as I can. I can't decide what to go back to school for: should I start over in a totally different area or continue on in the field I majored in, which is law and justice? Thanks!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'm not in law school, but from what I know about it, it's one of those things you have to want to do. College is one thing, but I hear law school really makes you work so you must want to be there in order not to be miserable/flunk out