Lets start a new game.....


Well-known member
A never ending story!!
OK I begin:

When I first went to my MAC counter I was fascinated by the tons of eyeshadows and lipglasses they carry!
I decided to buy around 32 eyeshadows and 12 lipglasses when the MA told me that...

Now its your turn...continue the story


Well-known member
I'll play.
Let's add some drama!

...all I had to do was fill out a special form and I would get everything for 75% off. Thrilled, I completed and signed the form, but quickly regretted it when...


Well-known member
. . . I read the small print: I had signed away my life to the devil, Crappy Makeup. For every day I wore my beloved MAC products, I'd have to pay for it by wearing old, crusty, poorly pigmented makeup for three days. I tried to console myself by . . .


Well-known member
secretly giving it to Selvester Stallone's mother and in exchange they took the nasty makeup from me and gave me three pink mink coats and a plane ticket to England where i.......


Well-known member
met the queen of England. She liked my make-up so much that she wanted me to be her make-up artist..........


Well-known member
I was very happy and honoured that she wanted me to let her look like a mid 70s-drag queen and I agreed with one conditon...


Well-known member
LMAO thats funny, VaJenna

...it wouldn't be that big of a deal if he hadnt had a meeting with Chinese Embassador who...


Well-known member
was currently having a torrid affair with a Bettie Paige look-a-like who then proceeded to whip him with wet twizzlers while...

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