Li Lily vs. Li Lilly


Active member
So, I have a 6 shadow compact from MAC from about 4 years ago I gather. It has Jewel Blue, Black Tied, Idol Eyes, and an item called "Li'Lilly" with TWO of the letter "L" unless I'm reading it wrong.

I went online, because I've been search for the big full size pot version of it for awhile now, because I'm seriously in love with it. And I came across "Li Lily" with one "L" on eBay. I automatically purchased it, and now it sits at home as of yesterday when it came in the mail.

When I got it, it looke a little more sparkly than I remembered. So this morning, getting ready for work, I went into my palette and put on the Li Lilly that was in it. And it came on more smooth, and shimmering, but not sparkling.

Can someone help me and explain to me the whole Li Lily vs. Li Lilly situation.

I even went online, and I saw ONE website that had BOTH spellings listed.

I'm not going crazy am I?


Well-known member
Oooh, the Li'Lily in the Printout palette is a gorgeous pigmented Satin IIRC, and is indeed different than the Li'Lily in the pot (a Lustre, blech!). Unfortunately you can't get the color in the Printout palette on its own


Well-known member
No, you're not crazy! I remember thinking the same thing, although I much preferred the pot to the palette. But yeah, totally different textures and all.


Active member
So THERE are two different ones and I'm not loosing it!

I have them both, and like I said one's in the palette, the other is in a pot.

One is lustre, one is satin.

Why are there two with similar/the same names?

Does anyone know the collections they are from etc.?


Well-known member
Wow i always thought they were the same and people on the boards were just making typos!!!!

Uggghhh MAC always does this....naming colours the same as something else. Worst part is that they almost look the same besides almost having the same name!

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