Have you thought about doing MA work part time?
By being an MA, I'm assuming you want to be freelance right? Or work for a company doing specifically application? Or do you want to work at the MAC counter?
The other thing to consider is, (not trying to pry) how much pay do you make in the Airforce, and can you make that pay working another fulltime job that is local in your area?
For instance... You choose not to re-enlist, and get a job in a similar field but obviously civilian this time. Dunno what you do in the AirForce, but perhaps there are jobs in the Airline industry that could use the knowledge you have. Or even consultation related firms that need office assistance.
I make $20.00/hr right now just doing Administrative Assistant type work. it's 614 a week X 4 or 2456.00 takehome after taxes. Would doing something similar + doing part time MA work in the evenings and weekends while you build up your client base be sufficient income?
I would focus on finding another full time job first, but one that is flexible in that you dont have to sign on the line saying you will work another X years. This way if in deed your dream to be a MA comes true, and you can start making enough income just doing that, you can always give your job your 2 weeks notice.
But if you can't find work that pays enough to support your current level of income, perhaps re-enlist, and do MA work in your spare time. Even people in the airforce have time to themselves. Who knows what the women around you need in terms of application. I'm sure they get married, have special events, go to parties, and do plenty of stuff where they might wanna look really pretty. They are women afterall
No to mention you could start advertising locally to the civillian population, and start building up a client base/reputation there.