Life is so fragile


Well-known member
I've just got off the phone chatting to my mother. She gave me some bad news.

My cousin (she's 27) was in a very long term relationship (many years) but it all fell apart earlier this year. She was of course devastated when it broke up but a few months back she met a guy (30) at college who she really liked and they hit it off incredibly well. In a very short space of time they were both so convinced they were right for each other they started to talk about marriage.

Last week at his house he suddenly collapsed and landed on top of her. She checked and he'd stopped breathing and his heart had stopped. She phoned for an ambulance and started CPR (something she was well trained it). The paramedics arrived and continued to work on him for another 45 minutes but were unable to restart his heart and he died. The post-mortem revealed an electrical abnormaility in the heart's conductive tissue and there's nothing more that she or the paramedics could have done to save him.

Life can be so cruel at times


Well-known member
aww. im so sorry. thats awful. life is short, and i try to remember that when i start obessing about little things like weight and money and other dumb stuff. we need to live for today and enjoy what we have, cause tommorow may never come. im sorry for your cousins loss and hope she recovers well.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
What a terrible loss, my heart goes out to your cousin. My condolences to you all.


Well-known member
That is so awful... Your poor cousin... I hope she has lots of family and friends around to support her during what I am certain is an extremely painful time. I hope she'll get through it, and that she'll be okay again someday.

I can't even imagine... I don't know how I'd survive. I really hope your cousin will get through this.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that. Coincidentally, a housemate of a good pal of mine had a cardiac arrest. He was just about to turn 26 and he never woke up. I didn't even know him and it freaked me out. He had a girlfriend who was there when it happened and she described her feelings in such depth that you could really feel her pain.

I disagree with Professor Fate: life is neither just nor unjust; it just is. It'll take a long time, but your cousin will heal. My best wishes go out to her.


Well-known member
Caffn8me im really sorry to hear about your cousins boyfriend, it must have been a terrible shock.

My cousin died September two years ago, he was also just 27, healthy, fit and a keen footballer. He hadnt been feeling well and went to the doctors who told him he probably just had a flu and gave him a prescription for some painkillers.
He left the surgery and collapsed and died from a massive heart attack.
Again there was nothing anybody could have done... they said it could have been a heart condition he had since birth that had gone undetected.

I know there has been an organisation set up in Ireland to help families who have lost loved ones to SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome).... maybe if there was a similar organisation your cousin could get in touch with it may be of some help to her.

Sorry again to hear your bad news, i agree life is very cruel at times.


Well-known member
Im sorry to hear that
Life is just so short. I have been thinking about that lately too due to some family situations and it really makes you think about your own existence.


Well-known member
I know what you're talking about...

I have a good relationship to the secretary of my high school's headmaster! So I went there yesterday to ask one of the tutors about my exams and if I could take a look at them! I got in the office where she does all her work and asked how she felt! She came to me, held my hand and told me that her long term boyfriend died some weeks ago! But as if that wasn't bad enough he died on her birthday!
He left the house in the morning, telling her that her had a huge surprise for her when he got back!
So he went to his car and got a major heart attack (the police told her afterwards that she couldn't help him even if it had happened at home)!
They found him in the car close to the place where they met for the first time years before and they also found an engagement ring in the glove box!!

I didn't know what to say but gave her my deepest condolences and she told me that he was the most amazing person she ever met!
He was only 46!!

Life can be really bad!


Well-known member
For some reason I am like at a lost of words?I'm sososooo sorry to hear that though.That seriously made my eyes all teary.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
check that...

humans are cruel. life is just.

What Is That Supposed To Mean!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Well-known member
Well, the update on this is that shortly after his death, my cousin discovered she was pregnant with his child. She gave birth to a healthy baby on 21st June and is delighted. It has really helped her to cope with her loss.