Lighting ??


Well-known member
im going to invest in a vanity table because ive always wanted one and i can organize my m/u so much better. but im kinda on a bufget and dont want to spend thousands on one with the lights. I'm going to get this really nice rod iron with two glass shelves and a square mirror... but i want to install some sort of lighting behind it to illuminate my face so that i can see whats going on. I know natural light is best so im going to put it in front of a window, but what about at night when im getting ready to go out? what type of lighting is best for applying m/u and seeing true color? fluorescent?? something else? any comments would be nice! thanx!


Well-known member
some companies make lightbulbs that are very close to natural light. I have some in my house and they work great! We use the flourescent kind though (my fiancee is obsessssed with those lightbulbs because they last so long!) but I don't notice a difference. They are great! Go check out your hardware store, I'm sure they'll have all sorts of different ones!