Lipstick color recs for dark lips?


I'm a light-skinned Asian (NC15-20) but have dark lips. I want a lipstick that will lighten my lips to a peachy/coral/light pink natural color. I have slightly big lips so I don't want any colors that are too bright and will make my lips seem bigger. Any recommendations? No lipglass please! Lip gloss in general also makes my lips look bigger >.<


Well-known member
have you tried putting some concealer on your lips to perhaps lighten them up before applying the lipstick? then you can apply the lippie of your choice. or you could use a liner like naked which is fleshy coloured


Originally Posted by LMD84
have you tried putting some concealer on your lips to perhaps lighten them up before applying the lipstick? then you can apply the lippie of your choice. or you could use a liner like naked which is fleshy coloured

thanks! i never thought of that~
and it doesn't have to be MAC, although it is preferred. any brand is fine~


Well-known member
If you can find MAC Brave New Bronze l/s then get it. It'll lighten your lips considerably, and you can put any gloss over it to change the color.