liquid eyeliner help???


what is the best way to use liquid eyeliner? I need help with it thanks


Well-known member
Practice, practice, practice.

Until you get the muscle movements you need to do the whole line in one or two pieces (it'll come, trust me), pat it on in little dots and dashes until you get the shape you need, then go over it to join them all up and smooth them out.


Well-known member
yup - LOTS of practice! I found it helped me to work with gel eyeliners like MAC's fluidlines first to get a steady hand. It also helped me to start frm the middle and work outwards and then work inwards. HTH!


Well-known member
I also find using a tissue to remove excess off the brush helpful - keeps it from glopping. Especially with the new liquidlasts. They're thick and tough to control.
I also can only use a brush - the little sharp sticks like the ones the MAC liquid liners come with make me nuts.

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