Liquid liner rant


Well-known member
Ok so i didnt know where to put this, its 4:30am so i'm slow lol... mod's move this if you'd like.

Anyway is it just me or does anybody else fine the more they use liquid liner the worse they get

I perfect a technique and be all woohoo but then all of a sudden I get worse.... I have to keep changing my technique and because i'm visually impaired i have different techniques for each eye. I have my brothers formal coming up next friday so i've been practicing my butt off to get the perfect eye liner but its just a lucky dip which technique will work lol... I've tried a variety of brushes, the napoloen perdis sable 5a (prob my fav), MAC 266SE (which i hate actually), various paint brushes and the felt applicator that came with the liquid liner.

Anyway I was wondering if anybody else has problems like this... I know liquid liner can be a hard thing to get a grasp of, my problem comes when i try to extend past my eye and make a wing.



Well-known member
There's a brush from Sally's that I use for making a little wing, it's long, pointed, and flat...really perfect for a sexy wing.
Or you can maybe try the 210?


Well-known member
I use MUFE or Benefit's Cake Eyeliner and the 210 or similar brush and I love it. It makes it as simple as just flicking the brush away from your eye.


Well-known member
I had a hard time with it too when I first started using it. My favorite brush is the Benefit hard angle brush. I like it better than my MAC ones because when you get to the outer part of your eye where the lashline ends, you can easily make the perfect wing with this brush just by touching it to your outer eye corner and angling it up. It's the perfect length to make a pretty wing without having to draw one freehand. (Hope that makes sense!)


Well-known member
use a creme or pencil liner as a base/guide for your liquid liner. it works every time, and makes it easier to remove at the end of the day [I use wnw's h2o proof liquid liner]. HTH. xx


Well-known member
My problem is not so much with liquid liner, but whenever I try to extend my line. period. No cat eyes for me...I used to always do them but one side is always perfect and the other side looks like shit. grrrr


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
My problem is not so much with liquid liner, but whenever I try to extend my line. period. No cat eyes for me...I used to always do them but one side is always perfect and the other side looks like shit. grrrr

The same thing always happens to me! My right eye looks stunning and my left eye liner looks like crap. I think that it is because I am right handed and it is easier to do the right eye.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Paramnesia
Anyway is it just me or does anybody else fine the more they use liquid liner the worse they get

ROFL I know just how you feel. When I started using liquid liner I used the brush that it came with. I ended up lining above my crease but my lashline would be blank!
And to tell you the truth I haven't figured out how to really apply it properly >.< lmao everyone says I look Egpytian!


Well-known member
I'll end up doing one eye that looks good and the other will suck majorly!

Liquid liner is awesome but damn it's a pain in the rear.


Well-known member
Ha my right eye is dodge so its easier to do it but my left eye always turns out better... I really want fluidline but I'm a little concerned about spending money... especially with tax time coming up and my welfare payments are gunna drop dramatically


Well-known member
I've actually fallen out of love with Fluidliners for making a nice wing. The thing is that the product dries out fast, as as soon as the consisteny is not quite as smooth as when you buy it fresh, it tends to drag across the skin.

I'm looking into buying a cake eyeliner from Ben Nye because it will never "dry out", since it is a completely dry product. You just activate it with a bit of water, mixing medium, or the Ben Nye Liquiset.

Another method I've been using lately is using the Revlon Colorstay liquid eyeliner, but instead of using the brush that comes with it, I use a separate artists brush on it, a really fine one.

I find this much easier than the Fluidline.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I'm looking into buying a cake eyeliner from Ben Nye because it will never "dry out", since it is a completely dry product. You just activate it with a bit of water, mixing medium, or the Ben Nye Liquiset.

OMG I wouldn't recommend you the Ben Nye Cake Eyeliner AT ALL
I use to have it and every single time I used it, there was fallout everywhere on the face and it has spoiled loads of makeup. It was such a crappy stuff, I was really surprised because the brand is really good but this, definitely run away from this one!

At first, I though maybe it was just mine but every people in my class had the same one (it was on our school list) and everyone had problems with it. Maybe the formula has changed since then (I hope so!) but I'd be very very careful in buying this one.


Well-known member
Liquid liner looks fab when you get it right, but oh man, is it annoying when you just can't get it to work!

Seriously, I can sit their for ages trying to get them both to look the same, I end up with a permanent hump in my back!

Like the humpback of Notredame... not a good look :0


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I've actually fallen out of love with Fluidliners for making a nice wing. The thing is that the product dries out fast, as as soon as the consisteny is not quite as smooth as when you buy it fresh, it tends to drag across the skin.

I'm looking into buying a cake eyeliner from Ben Nye because it will never "dry out", since it is a completely dry product. You just activate it with a bit of water, mixing medium, or the Ben Nye Liquiset.

Another method I've been using lately is using the Revlon Colorstay liquid eyeliner, but instead of using the brush that comes with it, I use a separate artists brush on it, a really fine one.

I find this much easier than the Fluidline.

You sound like me!

I got Benefit Babe Cake after I saw that QoB uses it and I haven't looked back since. Only I have about 13 Fluidlines that I'll probably never use on my upper lashline again.


Well-known member
I love fluidline... I use the 194 brush, yes the concealer brush. I load it and do the little wing, then the lashline, and meet them... I am right handed so my right one usually looks awesome, but if I don't do the left one so perfect, I just change the right one to match. One of the MAC pro artists told me that your eyes are sisters not twins.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Originally Posted by PolyphonicLove
use a creme or pencil liner as a base/guide for your liquid liner. it works every time, and makes it easier to remove at the end of the day [I use wnw's h2o proof liquid liner]. HTH. xx

I do the same thing. It works every time for me.


Well-known member
I never really got the hang of liquid eyeliner and just gave up. Then I found cake eyeliner, you can do every same thing wiht it that wiht liquid but it's just so much easier to controll what it does. So cake-eyeliner is what I relay on.


Well-known member
I'd reccomend Prestige liquuid liner... it's about $4 and it's much easier to apply (for me) than other brands. Plus, it's easy to remove with a MU remover dipped Qtip.

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