List of every MSF ever made?


Well-known member
I am sorry if this is in the wrong place, but does anyone know where I can find a list of all the MSF's that MAC ever made?


Well-known member
Scroll all the way down to shimmers post, but it hasnt been updated since BBR'

* So Ceylon
* Pleasureflush
* Shimpagne
* Metal Rock
* Porcelain Pink
* Gold Deposit
* Stereo Rose
* New Vegas
* Petticoat
* Naked You
* glissade
* lightscapade
* shooting star
* global glow
* gold spill
* northern light
* warmed
* light flush
----Updated version----
*Soft n Gentle
*Perfect Topping
---- 5 new, 1 repromote MSF's coming out in July 2009 [Color Craft collection]----
Sunny by Nature- Rich bronze with pink pearl pig
Cheeky Bronze - Soft golden coral wth bronze pearl
Porcelain Pink - Soft pinky coral wth gold veining (Repromote: Gold Play and A Muse)
Triple Fusion - Left: Soft champagne gold / Center: Soft golden peach / Right: Rose pink with gold nuances
Smooth Merge - Left: Soft champange pink / Center: Deep rose / Right: Pale cool pink
Warm Blend - Left: Antique gold / Center: Mahogany Bronze / Right: Copper


Well-known member
Thanks so much
I know the MSF's since BBR
Actually that is right when I became obsessed with them- Blonde was my first and that was all it took to get me hooked


Well-known member

I noticed they are bringing a few MSF's out one of which was DC....does anyone know if they are planning to re-release any of the older ones? The main one I think everyone is after is Lightscapade which is really hard to find, anyone know if they are going to release that again ever since it's so sought after?

Also is there a list of all the MSF's that have come out in the past years? I just started collecting seriously in July 08' so I missed out


Well-known member
Re: MSF's

Originally Posted by TISH1127
Here is a thread already with the full list of MSF's

the only current re-promote is Porcelain Pink coming in Colour Craft that anyone has been made aware of

Thanks TISH!! I just bought my first MSF Perfect Topping and I
it so much! I've been using it as a set powder over my face with a little concealer where needed and it just gives my face this great glow/dewy look but it makes it a tad pink/tan compared to my neck and I saw Lightscapade and I really want it but everytime I see it and ask it sells right away
. Also better for my wallet if they would just re-release it lol.


Well-known member
Re: MSF's

You're welcome...Yes Perfect topping and Lightscapade are perfect for that....they are beautiful!

Put you a want ad in the clearance Bin for Lightscapade maybe someone will contact you with a good price


Re: MSF's

Perfect topping is a great alternative to Lightscapade. Do you know how much the msf's are selling for at MAC?


Well-known member
Re: MSF's

Check out your CCO's and you might get lucky! I have picked up 3 MSFs from previous collections there

I know, I can't wait for July!!!


Well-known member
Re: MSF's

Originally Posted by pff19291
Perfect topping is a great alternative to Lightscapade. Do you know how much the msf's are selling for at MAC?

I love perfect topping so much I ended up buying another backup of it plus another backup of Moonriver blush duo.


Re: MSF's

i loved lightscapade i really wish they bring it back, I havent been able to find it anywhere. And my CCO sucks, they never have anything good.


Well-known member
Re: MSF's

Originally Posted by LimaBean
i loved lightscapade i really wish they bring it back, I havent been able to find it anywhere. And my CCO sucks, they never have anything good.

I definitely wish they would bring that one back too! I don't think there are anymore out there at the CCO's because I did a "Gone but not Forgotten" on it twice through the last 6 months and they said it was completely depleted and from what I know they check the CCO's too because I got a Sea Me Shadestick from them that had a CCO sticker on it.