List of Mineralize Eyeshadows


Well-known member
Ok I'm sorry if this has been posted somewhere, but my search showed nothing...

Does anyone have a comprehensive list of the mineralize eyeshadows and the collections that they came out with? If not, can we start a thread where people just add in the ones they know about?

thanks in advance


Well-known member
There has already been a thread started on this topic:
MES question There are a few others than the ones posted above. But I agree, its a great idea to perhaps have one comprehensively listed thread!


Well-known member
Rococo collection (2004):
-Tres Teal
-Little Madam

A Muse collection (2006):
-Bright Side/Gallery Gal

Flashronic collection (2007):
-Quarry Sky
-By Jupiter

Antiquitease collection (2007):
-Earthly Riches
-Family Silver
-Mi' Lady


Well-known member
thanks, v2lucky.

I am thinking i should stock up on antiquitease ones cuz i would die if there is a two year gap between the next mes release