Well-known member
* Don’t let bad weather put you off- rain or snow can be just as refreshing for your spirit as sunshine.
* Wear clothes that fit and feel good to your sense of touch. Wearing clothes that fit improves self-esteem and body-image.
* Wear your new shirt (or __________) today, don’t save it for a special occasion - today is a special occasion. (This can include that favorite lipstick, blush, eye shadow or pigment you been saving too. Break it out and wear it).
* Wear something comical/wild or sexy under your clothes. This underlines that there’s more to all of us than is apparent from surface appearance.
Positive changes
* Speak of what you’re doing, not what you’re trying to do. To “try” admits the possibility of failure. In telling yourself that you are already doing something (not merely trying), you are helping to bring about a self-fulfilling expectation of success.
Your Body
* Pretend you are the most famous star in the world throughout your day. The paparazzi is out there trying their best to get pictures of you in the most published magazines around the world. With this in mind, are there any aspects of your posture you want to change or adjust for all your admiring fans? Would you change how you sit and stand to help better your posture?
* To help body self-consciousness, see yourself as 1 percent body and 99 percent spirit. Take pride in your body, but let go of what you cannot change. Discover and value all that is ~you~ on the inside & out.
Relaxing techniques
* 7/11 breathing
Breathe in slowly and steadily to the count of seven; then breath out slowly and steadily to the count of eleven. Continue the cycles until the tension and anxiety subside.
* Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth for a few seconds and relax it. Then, relax all the tension in your jaw, neck, and face.
* Make a “What I did today.” list. This list can allow you to see just how productive you really have been throughout your day. If you can’t think of anything, start with small things like - took a shower, took care of my teeth, etc.
* Close your day like a book. Today is over and done. It is in the past now and can’t be changed. Now, it is time for a good night of restoration for the new day ahead.
* Make time to write down 2- 3 achievable goals for the next day. An example of an achievable goal could be to remember to write a friend, get something from the store, or just to pay a bill. Write the goals down and resolve to not think about them till the next day.
Comment:You are the Star of your life. Enjoy!