Live Chat with Eve and JJ


Well-known member
hi all. i was busy posting a swatch request so i forgot to log onto live chat with eve - i missed the first 20 minutes.

i would post it here, but it exceeds the character space. i don't know if it's something the mods would want to allow others access to see it....but if yes, please PM me and I will send it to a mod. (please don't pm me to email it to you - i'm afraid my inbox might get full if a lot of people request it.)



Well-known member
ok, here's a couple Q&As....(just note that i copied and pasted the live chat - and it's 4 pages long on my word doc)

Welcome to the Chat
peachprincess: Hi JJ! I'm just joining now, so I don't know if anyone's already asked you this: what are your top 3 most favorite, can't-live-without products in your kit?
JJ: Oh wow, I love all of them all. Definitely Studio Tech and I would say definitely Mascara X and Lipglass too.
jenlomba: I love your style - where do you buy your clothes?
Eve: Hmm! Well, if I'm in New York, one of my favorite stores is Intermix. But here in LA, I would say Tracy Ross or Satine.
yura: What brought you into wearing MAC?
Eve: Hmmm, I guess I was introduced to it, it was one of those names you had to try. I was drawn in to the store when I first saw it.

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