Long Distance Relationship Support Thread


Well-known member
It's the holiday season! Hope all of you are going to get a chance to spend it with your loves


Well-known member
Oh god. Christmas presents. I suck at this, I never have the money to buy everyone presents. On the up side, I get to see my bf next Tuesday! Yay!


Well-known member
Wow Meg, thats some good news over there!
Idk what to do with presents either, I'm broke too, they dont pay me at work, damn assholes, plus making presents is just like buying make-up for me, I cant control myself... I plan to spend now much but always end up with lots of random stuff but completely broke..


Well-known member
I'm shit at "making" presents. I've bought him a load of clothes and some aftershave so far. I was gonna get him an IPhone too but he's told me not to cos he doesn't want me spending that kind of money and that he's gna get it himself when his upgrade is due in January.

Glad you're seeing your man next wk Nutmeg.


Well-known member
I was really confused on my man's b-day, so I ended up getting him 2 t-shirts and a set of after-shave/deodorant/gel in a nice bag.. And put it in a big box. Also got him vodka bottles and a fur hat with communist star lol, but that was just for fun haha. Idk really, im lost..


Well-known member
Nutmeg, I'm glad you get to see him too!

As i wrote before I wasn't sure if mine was coming home for xmas. He said during that week if he didn't hear from anyone that there was a pretty good chance he would come home.

BUT, I he texts me from work today saying they just told him he has to go on a mission and cannot come home for the holidays (again).
It's Thanksgiving tomorrow and I was so excited and looking forward to christmas... I even started planning a surprise party with his brother and best friend... But its another holiday without him :'C


Well-known member
I get to see my bf tomorrow morning!
I told him he better know I love him, because I'm taking an hour long bus ride to meet him at the airport when he could just get a cab. I just cleaned my apartment, and I'm just finishing up some homework so I don't have to do a whole lot while he's here.


Well-known member
Oh girls im so happy for you!!! Blushbaby, its soon! Its been 4 months since I saw my love too
How long will you stay with him?

Meg, I guess he arrived already! Wohoo! Keep us updated


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
Oh girls im so happy for you!!! Blushbaby, its soon! Its been 4 months since I saw my love too
How long will you stay with him?

He's having a bit of a tough time at the mo so the sooner I'm there, the better!
I'm staying in NY for three weeks
Somebody try and hold me back from the shops!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
hmmm I won't risk my life holding you girl!!!I love your avatar btw blushbaby!!

Hehehe ..I'm gna stay away from the shops til Boxing Day (Dec 26th), but that morning I'm missing! I've told him already that he will be waking up that morning to find an empty space in bed next to him!

Thanks hon - we took that pic on the last night of my last visit in August. It was so nice. We did TOTR that night too, but he's terrified of heights ...but only at night!
That was news to me, I can tell you!!! He really freaked out while we were up there - LOL


Well-known member
That pic is adorable, but whats TOTR? I live far away so sorry, I have no idea :/ Poor guy got over his scare for you. now thats love!


Well-known member
Well he's at the airport right now, it was a very short visit. Oh well, I'm going to be home for Christmas soon and I'll see him then. I send all of you guys hugs because you're awesome.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
That pic is adorable, but whats TOTR? I live far away so sorry, I have no idea :/ Poor guy got over his scare for you. now thats love!

Oh sorry! Top Of The Rock, on top of the Rockafeller building
Yeah he firmed it and made it right to the very top. I was very proud of him


Well-known member
Thanks for explaining hon!

I'm going to see my bf

God Im so happy ...​
I have tickets already, just gotta get a visa!!!!!!!

Going to be with my love!!!

Do I hear being together, sex on the beach, enjoying picturesque views, skinny dippin, *ahem* romantic walks


Well-known member
Thanks Meg
January 7th I'm on the plane taking me to him! Well, I will arrive only January 8th, since I gotta take 3 planes (yes, really) but man..... Im so excited!!!!!
I miss him so bad.

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