Looking for a clearish color with a blue flash/opalescence r/o


Well-known member
or irridescence, whatever you wanna call it. lol. It doesnt have to be clear(could be slighly pink/white), just something that goes on pretty much clear and has that blueish/purple flash when fingers catch the light.

Something shiny and wet looking would be great too. I hate flat color.

There used to be a Sally Hansen product like this ( Brillance, i think). It was slightly pink toned with a blue pearl flash. NYC also made more of a white based one. But I cant seem to find these anymore.

thanks to anyone that can suggest anything at all.

Kind of like this pic....clickable.... the 2nd polish



Active member
Have you tried OPI's Rosy Future? I don't think it's clear, but it doesn't have a ton of pigment, either.