Looking for a face mask!


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I have oily skin, big pores only on nose, breakout prone skin. I am currently trying the StIves Clay Firming Cream is it bad to use daily?

How often are you suppose to use a mask?
What masks do you rave about?

I am new to this and I am trying to perfect my skin regimen, Thanks!


Well-known member
I love masks! It makes me feel like I am at Spa night. I like the peel offs for exfoliation (Freeman's, about 4 bucks, a steal!). I make a mask of crushed aspirin and egg white for acne and inflammation (hammer, plastic baggie or crucible) and I like mud masks. Most of the clay masks I loved like Olay's Blue Clay and Aveeno have been discontinued. I love the NARS Mud mask! St Ives was too thin and runny for me.... Queen Helene's Mint Julip is inexpensive and a bit irritating but it sucks out the oil nicely.Neutrogena has an Acne mask with salcylic acid-don't leave it on longer than 10 minutes...but you can dab it on a pimple overnight and its gone in the a.m.. DDF makes a nice Sulfur Mask that is mild and does not smell like rotten eggs. Alba makes a clear gel exfoliating mask-Papaya Enzyme Mask-it is only left on 10 minutes, its a great exfoliator. There were a lot of good sea mud and seaweed masks a few years ago that were discontinued, I donn't know why....the ones on the market now are so hit or miss,
Now the St Ives Firming Clay mask is very gentle. It does not have a lot of active ingrediants so if you used that particular brand, it would not overdry you. If you used one with salcylic acid everyday, it might cause some inflammation. (There are no ingrediants in the St Ives Mask that will firm skin, however....)


Well-known member
i love masques too. i have oily skin with some dry patches, blackheads, acne-prone with small blemishes

i use queen helen mint julep masque 2 times a week to keep the acne at bay.. its very cooling and helps calm down any angry skin symptons i may get from time to time.. if my skin is really bad.. i will do a homemade aspirin+honey masque as well.. i love the queen helen masque!

i am also using a peel off masque (another queen helen one) 1-2 times a week and i am currently using meaningful beauty skincare and use their masque about 2 times a week. i try not to use a masque everyday. it may be too harsh on the skin. i leave at least 1-2 days between masques. this may differ for every person. my skin isnt super sensitive.

i have the proactive one that i do spot treatments overnight for big zits that i might get, but its too drying to use all over the face


Well-known member
I have oily t zone/combo skin with large pores. I am a mask junkie. I do mud mask once a week and pumpkin enzyme mask twice a week. The combination of gentle exfoliation and mud packs really helps to keep my skin clear.

I get my pumpkin enzyme peel from www.psfskincare.com. This 2.3 oz. jar lasts forever; contains 8% glycolic acid and smells like pumpkin.

I also use their mud mask as a spot treatment but at $10 for 1 oz. jar, it's not practical to use this as an all over mask when you're on a budget so I mix up my own mask with French Green Clay, seamollient, black willowbark extract and a few other essential oils.

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
quuen helene's mint julepe is the best. its about 4$ for 8oz and i love it so much. i use it once a week. it keeps my skin clear and it drys up oil/pimples so good.


Well-known member
1. Aspirin mask
Great for inflammation, pimples, exfoliation and baby smooth skin.
I use this for prevention and remedy for troubled skin. (2-3x a week)

2. Origin's Clear Improvement Active Charcoal mask.
Activated Charcoal acts like a magnet to draw out deep-dwelling pore-cloggers, White China Clay absorbs environmental toxins, Lecithin dissolves impurities. This definitely brightens your complexion and tone. (1-2x a week)



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Temptasia
1. Aspirin mask
Great for inflammation, pimples, exfoliation and baby smooth skin.
I use this for prevention and remedy for troubled skin. (2-3x a week)

2. Origin's Clear Improvement Active Charcoal mask.
Activated Charcoal acts like a magnet to draw out deep-dwelling pore-cloggers, White China Clay absorbs environmental toxins, Lecithin dissolves impurities. This definitely brightens your completion and tone. (1-2x a week)


Recipe for your aspirin mask? please!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Recipe for your aspirin mask? please!

I wet 4-5 pills and let it dissolve in my palm. Then mix it with my gel cleanser Spectrojel (you can use Cetaphil). I use about 1.5 pumps just to make a paste. Some people use honey or aloe vera. I prefer to keep it simple.


Well-known member
I LOOOOOOOVE Queen Helene's Mint Julep Mask! it's like $4.99 @ CVS and you get a lot and it smells nice and does a great job with dealing with my acne. I use it 1-2x/week.


Well-known member
That origins mask sounds amazing, I'll have to try it. my pores are feeling horrible right now, I ran out of my exfoliator and just have been too lazy to go into the city to get a new one.


New member
This home-made mask is really useful for pimples and inflammation of the skin.
I vividly remember my grandma (who happened to have flawless crystal clear skin btw, do this all the time!)
Pound uncooked rice till it sorta turns to powder form.
Add a little boiled water and make it into a paste and finally, apply it to the face for 15-20 mins.


Well-known member
Ooh, I almost forgot about an alternative you may be able to find at the drugstore or health store. Aztec Secrets mud mask. For less than $10, you can get a 1 lb. tub of 100% bentonite clay; it'll last you forever and it won't go bad.

Mix up a tsp of this with a tsp of apple cider vinegar and apply to a damp, freshly cleansed face. Great for drawing out toxins and cleaning pores. Be sure to rinse off before it dries completely, otherwise it'll require a washcloth to remove all traces. For a slight variation, try mixing this with a little yogurt and honey. Honey is a great anti-bacterial and yogurt contains lactic acid, which will provide you with a gentle exfoliant during your at-home facial.


Well-known member
Lush's cupcake mask made most of my breakouts disappear (i used it 2x per week) and its very affordable


Well-known member
It's not a mask, but using a deep cleaning oil really helps with oily skin with large pores. This oil really helps with blackheads without torturing your skin.

I am currently using Origins Clean Energy.

Clean Energy™ Gentle cleansing oil


A healthier looking future for skin begins here. This lightweight, high-tech, hybrid formula with non-comedogenic, Olive, Sunflower, Sesame and Safflower Oils removes dirt, makeup and pollutants with high efficiency. Kukui Nut and Macadamia help protect precious natural moisture resources. Vitamin E helps reduce effects of environmental hazards such as irritation that can threaten the comfort of skin. Skin breathes freely. And the energizing aroma of Grapefruit, Orange and Lemon renew your spirits.

Smells like a spa!!! If you decide to get it, buy the $2 pump.
I use Serious Skin Care's triple Glycolic Mask. I use it only during the summer or when I see breakouts and it's keeps them at bay. It's a maks that delivers a good punch. I have sensetive skin and I remember the first time I put it on it stung a little. However now that i put it on it does not sting.


Well-known member
I like Clinique's Turn Around Concentrate 15 Minute Facial... my skin always looks much brighter with smaller appearing pores and my skin feels smoother as well after I use it. One of the BA's at the Clinique counter told me she uses a skin buffer when she uses this as well.

Right now for a clay mask (oily skin -argh), I'm using an Arden one, but that Origins one sounds interesting... I've never heard of charcoal in a mask


Well-known member
I love LUSH's Brazened Honey mask, and their Cupcake one is fantastic for oily skin with spots. If I'm having a bad breakout, then Cupocake is the one I usually tun to. The rest of the time it's Brazened Honey - keeps my pores clear and really brightens my skintone. I'd use them around 3 times a week.


New member
I second the Cahrcoal mask from Origins- its is great! Their warm cinnamon mask is also a good one if you want something a bit softer. I also recommend Lush Love Lettuce- leaves your skin feeling like nothing I've ever tried and keeping your pores in check. Another line I like is Montagne Jeunesse- Welcome To Montagne Jeunesse.- masks are typically $2 or less in single use sachets and you can pick up a variety at Ulta or most major drugstores. I would recommend the peach kernel exfoliating or/and the passion peel off.

good luck!



Well-known member
I use Lush's Mask of Magnaminty! It's fabulous and smells like minty chocolate! I really want to try the cupcake mask too (from Lush) - maybe soon!


Well-known member
I am a huge fan of "masking" and do one 1-2 times per week, depending on how my skin feels. I have combo/oily skin that is acne-prone.

I love, love, love Joey New York's Pure Pores Mask - it has a lovely souffle-like texture and I really see and feel a difference in my skin when I use it. Link to it on their website:
Pure Pores Masque-Joey New York

I also love Astara's Blue Flame Purification Mask - but if your skin is at all sensitive, be careful. It is super potent!
Blue Flame Purification Mask

Another product I use on a regular basis is Philosophy's Microdelivery Peel - fantastic exfoliator that leaves my skin baby soft:
philosophy - the microdelivery: in-home peel - peptide/vitamin c in-home peel

I am a big fan of masks and treatments, as you can see. It's important not to overdo it, though!

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