Looking for a job any tips??


Well-known member
Well Im gonna have to start looking for a job cause...I want to! I dont like being dependant on my parents anymore and need to start looking for a job. Im gonna turn 18 in a few weeks yay! I mean I coulda found a job already but Im picky at where I want to work cause I want to make sure I want to work at the place that I like and think will work there for awhile, until im out of school and so on. Im planning to work at a gotham jewelry place and maybe apply to a few clothing stores and bath and body works and such. Soooo since most of you ladies are experienced in the work force
What shall I do when I ask for an application? some ppl tell me to ask for the manager when asking for an app., would that be a good start? How bout the way you dress on the first day to get that application does it matter? And if I get a call what should I wear for an interview how would I have my hair/ MU? etc etc.


New member
Here's what I did at your age and it always landed me a job.

Before picking up an application I would go to the store and ask the SA for "help". I'd say I was looking for a certain item and so forth. I would strike up a conversation and work in..."Hey are guys hiring right now?" Typically they would say "we are accepting applications" I'd ask for an application and ask who the manager was. You could also ask that SA how the interviews go, what they wore etc... Find out when the manager will be in over the next few days. Get your application filled out and take it back when you know the manager will be in. Try to hand the application directly to the manager. This allows you to also say things like " What postions are you hiring for?" which opens up a conversation. Casual talk is the key! The more they like you the better your chances are. They will recall your upbeat personality.
As for what to wear I typically went by what the other works at the store wear.
Best thing you can do is be yourself and relax.