Looking for combos :P


Well-known member
Not feeling all that creative atm
and in a rut with the same old looks so i was wondering what colours would go well?
Im tired of going from light green/medium green/dark green etc :p looking for something wilder. sorry if this is long

I dont normally get replies (am i doing something wrong?).. so any would be welcome!

What i have:
Pigs:violet, vanilla, extremauve (few random sample pots)

retrospeck,shroom,sushi flower,juxt,eletric eel,espresso,wondergrass,knights devine,sumtuous olive,green smoke,trax,zonk bleu!,ricepaper,concrete,digit,silver ring,humid,chrome yellow,moons reflection

paints:bare canvas, shimma,pixel


Well-known member
here are a few combos i thought would be nice:

bare canvas as a base from lash line to brow bone
sushi flower on the lid
violet pigment in the crease
silver ring on the "inner v" (near the place where eye runs into nose)


bare canvas as a base from lash line to brow bone
shroom as a highlight on the brow bone
humid/electric eel/zonk bleu on the lid (whichever blue you like best)
espresso in the crease
and then wet an eyeliner brush to create a thick liner with espresso on your top lashes and wet it again using retrospeck to line the bottom lashes


Well-known member
I just did an eye tonight with a l'Oreal yellow, Wondergrass and Electric Eel and I think it looked awesome.

Other than that I can'thelp you too much with combinations since I'm always looking for suggestions myself.
I find going through the FOTDs and tutorials really helps though.