Looking into a LUSH facial skin-care regimen, needing your rec's(my skin is terrible)


Well-known member
Hey guys.

So, I use proactiv, and it's not cutting it anymore...
Right now my acne is so terrible sometimes I honestly want to cry. I have a good diet and drink lots of water, but here I am, approaching my twenties soon, and my skin is terrible.
I've heard good things about Lush and am going to go down and talk to them but I wanted to hear some of your suggestions first.

I'm looking for a gentle cleanser, a toner, and a moisturizer for daily use.
I'm also looking for a stronger facial exfoliator/cleanser to use a few times a week.

I don't have sensitive skin, I've never had a reaction to a product in my life, but I have hormonal acne and skin that is slightly oily but not overly. Generally the only thing wrong with my skin is acne and acne scars

Any help would be seriously appreciate.

Also if you have any other lush products you love, feel free to mention them.


Well-known member
If your acne is hormonal, thats a tough one to conqure, maybe birth control can help? and making sure you cleanse your face and remove any makeup before bed? --that was the main problem with my acne, i was using a bad face wash and my foundation was breaking me out

But onto your lush question - From lush i love baby face cleanser and angel exfoliator. but maybe you need some sort of retin A to help it as well


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
have a look at this thread: http://specktra.net/f188/any-lush-lo...please-108763/ there's some great suggestions there.

what kind of acne do you have? proactiv has been known to cause cystic acne, which usually needs to be treated by a doctor.

thanks for the suggestion
no, thankfully, that isnt a problem

Ive been using proactiv for five years and its treated me well up until this point, but not within the past few months, its just not cutting it anymore.


Well-known member
LUSH saved my face when I started breaking out like crazy during my second year of university. I've never broken out before, and I didn't have the sense to treat it before it had gotten all nasty lol... Then I started on LUSH's skincare after going in for a consultation, and my skin was perfectly clear and smooth again in several months!!

Here's my routine:
Fresh Farmacy soap, followed by Tea Tree Water toner and Enzymion moisturizer. I also used the Mask of Magnaminty twice a week, and Ocean Salt once a week.

Now I just use Fresh Farmacy on the occasional zit and it disappears overnight =)


Well-known member
The people who work at Lush can tell you exactly what is in each of their products and would know what would be best for your skin type, but the website has a bunch of reviews that you can use too!

I have dry/flaky/sensitive skin with lots of red patches. My personal Lush regime is: Aqua Marina cleanser followed by Breath of Fresh Air Toner, moisturizing with Celestial Moisturizer.

Their moisturizer is so moisturizing, that without using the toner, it didn't sink into my skin. Celestial however, is for dry/sensitive/flaky skin so if you're oily at all, it will not be beneficial. And some of the product scents are hit and miss; I really wanted to love Angels on Bare Skin cleanser, but to me it smelled like rotten fish and mustard. ick.