Lost kitty


Well-known member
So my boyfriend and I are moving into a new apartment. One of our cats got out while we were loading the truck. Everyone keeps saying that cats usually come back, but she's always been an indoor cat. I'm so worried my baby is gone. I've had her since she was born
Even if she does come back, we might not be here when she does.

I'm not here asking for pity. Actually, I wanted to know if any of you have had runaway cats come home. I'm putting up flyers tonight. Hopefully it will do some good


New member
Poor lost kitty

Yes, I have had kitties that were only indoor kitties come back home. Usually within a day or two. Try putting out food by your door. (of course this might attrack other kitties but...that's a given)


Well-known member
oh that's so sad
well yeah keep some food outside and watch for her, I hope she'll get back to you before you're gone, and you could ask the people who'll move there to watch for her, flyers are also a good way, and call your local shelter!


Well-known member
Yes, my indoor cat Butthead gets out every once in awhile and leaves me to worry horribly until he struts back in and meows at the back door like, "hey, feed me." Then I just want to drop-kick him.

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty but they really do seem to find their way back.


Well-known member
Well, either I'm going crazy or she's really good at hiding.

About 10 minutes after I posted this, I heard some noise in the kitchen and turned and saw her. I went and picked her up. I went to the fridge for some turkey (her favorite treat) and when I turned around, she had ran off. As I said, we're moving, so there's not as much stuff in the apartment, but we can't find her yet again =/

I can't help thinking I'm going crazy. I saw her and picked her up. It was definitely her. But I was the only one who saw her and I haven't seen her since. Or she got outside again.

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