Lotus Body Botanicals


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I was introduced to this line at my chiropractor's office today and had to share! Maria originally started making her products out of her kitchen and giving/selling them to friends and family. Word soon caught on and now she's got her own business! I'm all for supporting small family businesses and who says top of the line is best? Maria used to live in the Chicago area near my chiropractor, so they LOVE her line as do their clients. I was sucked in today with my first pot of sore muscle salve. I am SOLD. This product not only works, but it's all natural and affordable! The following is an excerpt from her website. Welcome to Lotus Body: Heal Naturally from within Check it out!

Lotus Body offers a wide variety of healing products for the whole family. Healing oils, salts, salves, balms, butters and teas designed to restore inner balance and stimulate healing from within.

Lotus Body’s Botanical line works on 3 levels, physical, emotional and spiritual gently guiding your body to it’s fullest potential of Health and honoring the wholeness in Life.

All of our products are handcrafted in small batches so that they are always fresh for you and your family!

Lotus Body is founded and run by Maria J. Falce. Maria is an integral healer who is trained in Craniosacral Therapy, pre- and peri-natal massage therapy, energy work and aromatherapy / botanicals. Maria, husband Bob Fowler and their daughter live in St. Joseph.