Love and Hate


Well-known member
I really really really lLOVE MAC. I love everything about MAC. But come on!!! I HATE that MAC keeps bombarding all of these collections only allowing a two week gap in between. By the time I get to buy items from a collection, boom, there is one coming out like tomorrow. MAC is killing me releasing not one but two relatively large collections on the same day (Blue Storm and Smoke Signals). Years before I would have enough time to save money and buy a lot from one collection. Now I find myself buying less.


Well-known member
I know, they should space them out. Also, the collections are only around for a couple of weeks at my counter, before it was much longer...and I wish they would make some shades pernament because so many gorgeous unique things are limited edition, it's very annoying.


Well-known member
I am starting to feel overwhelmed too. Don't get me wrong, I love all the stuff coming out, but that's the problem. One or two a month wouldn't be bad, but 4 in one month, and huge LE collections being realeased on the same day is a bit much. I can't believe they are doing it with the MSFs and Pigments, 2 of their best selling items! And then again in August with Smoke Signals and Blue Storm, both of which I want most of. Thank goodness my birthday is in July so I will use birthday money for those 2 collections, and can save for the August ones!


Well-known member
It is definately frustrating. I have to really pick and choose items carefully, like I don't see myself loving the msf's based on the descriptions, so I will mostly be using my money for blue storm, which I want most of. I suppose it makes us really think about what we purchase and appreciate what we do get that much more.


Well-known member
We just did a survey thing & this was the main point that I stressed through the whole thing.

Ok, so I love it that I get new stuff for free all the time, but really learning these products & selling them effectively is very difficult when you have no time between collections.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamqueen
It is definately frustrating. I have to really pick and choose items carefully, like I don't see myself loving the msf's based on the descriptions, so I will mostly be using my money for blue storm, which I want most of. I suppose it makes us really think about what we purchase and appreciate what we do get that much more.

I agree that I do choose more carefully and only buy things that I know I will use. I am going to have to skip Painterly and In 3-D in order to save for Smoke Signals and Blue Storm. I hate that I am forced into skipping entire collections, but I know I will use the stuff from SS and BS more. I really do think about what I buy rather than impluse buy, and now that my collection is growing, I am finding similar things that I already own.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MisStarrlight
We just did a survey thing & this was the main point that I stressed through the whole thing.

Ok, so I love it that I get new stuff for free all the time, but really learning these products & selling them effectively is very difficult when you have no time between collections.

I never really thought of it from the MAC MA's side. It must be hard to learn all the products and sell them effectively. Because not every MA is like everyone on here where we have the names of the products memorized before they even come out.

I just wish I had the income to buy all that I wanted but I have had to force myself to realize that I need to budget. Now I just focus on getting the items that I really like and not everything just to have it in case it becomes the next hot seller.

It is soooo hard though because everything that is coming out in the next few months is gorgeous!!! I just cannot believe that Flashtronic, Rushmetal, and Novel Twist come out within 2 days of each other! Who can afford all that???!?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I really do think about what I buy rather than impluse buy, .

I think thats the key to this marketing strategy - and you can bet this was a planned sales strategy designed to maximise sales - people will feel urged to buy everything they can from each collection on impulse before its gone and the next one is released......

Personally I think that its not only too much, but it also doesnt give anyone time to value and really appreciate their new products - you two weeks play time tops with it before you are playing with something else.... I worry that the quality of the products long term is going to suffer if they continue to mass produce/release the way they have been, and honestly girls, well for me anyway, I would rather have one or two reeeeeally special items than a dozen repromotes or colours that are so close to each other only you can tell the difference.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
I think thats the key to this marketing strategy - and you can bet this was a planned sales strategy designed to maximise sales - people will feel urged to buy everything they can from each collection on impulse before its gone and the next one is released......

Personally I think that its not only too much, but it also doesnt give anyone time to value and really appreciate their new products - you two weeks play time tops with it before you are playing with something else.... I worry that the quality of the products long term is going to suffer if they continue to mass produce/release the way they have been, and honestly girls, well for me anyway, I would rather have one or two reeeeeally special items than a dozen repromotes or colours that are so close to each other only you can tell the difference.....

I totally agree, especially about the releasing of colours that look nearly identical to earlier collections. It's definitely about releasing as many collections as they can in a short time frame, building up hype, and maximizing sales.

On the other hand, I haven't actually bought that much from the new collections. I think it's ok to just be picky and get maybe 1 or 2 things from each collection that you think is special. I would never buy a whole collection just for the hype! That way you always have something new to look forward to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I agree that I do choose more carefully and only buy things that I know I will use.

I do the same because 1/I don't own a Horn of plenty and 2/ I hate the MAC's policy about releasing their "new" collections with e/s that are PERMANENT, with new packagings to increase the sales... I mean come on, it's taking customers for dummies or what??
I keep myself informed of the new collections but actually I just buy permanent products and maybe 1 or 2 things from a collection (from Moonbathe, I just bought Firespot e/s).


Well-known member
we have collections come out every month or 2 months and within 2weeks everthings sold out so i try get there on the first day of release so i def get an item.

i agree with releasing a perm. item in a collection like recently they released refined golden bronzer in the white packagin and even though i have it in its normal casing i was soo tempted to get the new one. how clever of them(!)


Well-known member
The collections are killing me. A collection every month is just too much. We don't seem to get collection mid month. So we usually get 4 collections out on the same day. I would just like a month break where nothing comes out and I can buy some other stuff that I want. Mac is taking up most of my spending money every month. This month there is CShock, Novel Twist (US), & the pro line extension. Then 2 August there is Rushmetal and Flashtronic. Nobody has time to take a breather and recover from there last haul.

Also, I agree that we dont' have time to play with our new stuff before something else comes out. It is so frustrating.


Well-known member
These non-stop collections are getting out of hand. The only breathing room [for me] was between Danse and Ballonacy. Fortunately for me, I have very specific notions of what interest me, primarily eye colors, and beyond that a product has to be beautiful and unique to warrent me purchasing it. I think a lot of this comes down to people needing to become [more] discerning customers.

One thing that has begun to irk me about some of these collections is the gimicky nature of the products, like the Mineralize Eyeshadows. I am going to look into them, but I fail to see how swirling 3 colors together, baking it, and charging $16-$17 for one is somehow better or althogether different than making a normal eye shadow for $14.
I think the Mineralize Eyeshadows are perfect example of how general consumer v. artist driven MAC has become. Don't get me wrong, I love MAC, but honestly, what professional makeup artist is going to cart around these oversized, delicate mineralize shadows and use them on a client? The LE nature of these collections appeals to the general consumer, not an artist. If I were a professional makeup artist, how could I afford to stock my kit with LE items that I won't be able to find 3 months from now? It only then makes since that the Pro Line extension is permenant.

Anyway, I get the feeling that as soon as I swatch these colors on my hand they are going to look like shadows in the perm. collection. Already some of the swatches in the Flastronic thread look like Cranberry, Fade, and Sumptious Olive. And I the only who sees this?

Another gimicky item are the Lip Gelees. People, they are sheer, nearly completely sheer, with the tiniest bit of color, and yet there are 2 dozen different shades, not to mention LE shades. I will admitt, the texture is smooth, some have slight shimmer, and they might give a diff. look than clear gloss (and def. a different feel than the MAC Clear Lipglass), but considering they are so sheer, why make so many shades? Really wouldn't 3 or 4 be fine? And at $14 a pop, is it really wise to spend money on multiple Lip Gelees in the C-Shock collection when you could get the more unique eye shadows and lipsticks featured in the collection? Especially when you have already expressed your need to save for other upcoming collections?

The same is true of the Tendertones. They are pots lip balm. That is it. I remember one MA trying to interest me in them, and I gave her a cold, "You must be kidding" look. I go to MAC because they make unique products that other companies don't, and yet they are releasing glorified lip balm?

I also feel that a lot of this is just MAC Addicts getting caught up in the hype that is MAC about every product. Don't get me wrong, I love MAC. I have a what most would consider a large collection, and I love everything that I have, but I think that there is some unfair and unnecessary hype about a lot of their products, and if people could just see that other companies make similar and better products that are permenant then they could save some money on the LE items.

Take for example the glitter eye khol liners from Ballonacy and previous collections. Urban Decay (and Sephora too) has been making glitter eyeliners for the longest, and they are permenant, so why rush out and get MAC's simply because they are LE and you are afraid you will never get them if you don't get them now?

Or what about everyone's excitment about Novel Twist. Folks, check out the color stories, these Norstrom Exclusives are always dull and boring and full of repromotes of perm. colors! The lip palettes are a joke (but I don't like lip palettes to begin with, so I am biased) and the eye shadow palettes have 6 colors where 4 are perm. collection colors and 2 are LE, but can easily be duped by anything in the perm. collection. There are the travel brushes, but if you can't get them now, you can always get them are Christmas. These travel brush sets are promoted twice a year, every year. So what is the point? And yet everytime I come onto Specktra the Novel Twist thread has been bumped by some new post. I am baffled.

Now if you are truely a MAC Collector, I understand and totally respect that. I think it is very cool that some people were collecting MAC when I was still in diapers. When I look at the sheer amount of stuff MAC has come out with, I am almost overwhelmed, and def. respect (and envy to some extent) anyone who has a large collection of products, palettes and postcards dating back to the early, mid, and late 90s. But for the rest of us, who love makeup, and love MAC, who own a lot, but far from everything, but who relish in each new collection (myself included) but also have to set bugetary limits, please take off the must-by-everything blinders. We are feeding this cycle of non-stop collections that we resent, and honestly, some of these product aren't worth our dollars.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
We are feeding this cycle of non-stop collections that we resent, and honestly, some of these product aren't worth our dollars.

My sentiments exactly......OK, collectors might be different, personally I hoard pigments, but I dont have every pigment (pretty close and I have bought at least one or two things from each collection from the past 2 years, and will probably continue the trend, but I echo your thoughts on the novelty of LE and use of non mac items. I'm no MA but I dont think you need to be one to still be pissed off that some of the nicest products are available once only as LEs - even general consumers get ticked that a gorgeous product is essentially gone - and thats the entire psychology of LE items - the notion isnt new and I doubt the trend will stop. I cant say I blame consumers though for snatching up what they can - I already have one of the Rushmetal pigments and will almost certainly buy the others... So to some extent WE drive the market. EL wont stop while they are making mega bucks (why would they??) and consumers wont stop while they know their items will be gone for good in 3 months or less.... Its a cycle of stategic marketing psychology - and YES, companies like this DO employ psychologists who specialise in marketing and consumer relations. They set targets on what is achievable based on market stats and initiatives - LE labelling WORKS and it will continue to be used. If they made some things from these collections perms then they are likely to be overlooked in the rush to get the other items and clearly thats not what the company wants..... I agree with what you have said, dont get me wrong, but I doubt consumers will boycot LE items anytime in the future - me inlcuded...LOL!! The one thing I do wish is that collections have more time between releases.... it could actually be benficial to EL as well if some serious thought was given to it..... Mass production doesnt look good on any scale and the individuality and quality of MAC may well become lost in all the other labels with the number of collection productions they are releasing. Other lines all have LE items/colours too but most people rarely take notice, something new and similar will be out shortly enough, and really MAC isnt far away from that..... Like I said before, I would rather have one or two really special items from a quality brand and a well thought out collection, than a dozen colours or items so similar its hard to tell apart. I think they key for consumers will be to learn to be more discerning when purchasing items, but I think that while LE items continue to sell out (and I agree, NOT all of them are quality or worth our bucks) - some selling out in a matter of hours - the almighty $$ will be what continues to drive EL/MAC to keep releasing them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
Anyway, I get the feeling that as soon as I swatch these colors on my hand they are going to look like shadows in the perm. collection. Already some of the swatches in the Flastronic thread look like Cranberry, Fade, and Sumptious Olive. And I the only who sees this?

No, you are not. As I was swatching each one I found a permanent alternative for all but one. I know it's kind of working against myself (and I probably will not tell a customer this), but it's a bit ridiculous IMO.

Yes, they are softer, yes, they look pretty, but you're right, they are totally not functional & will sit at home in my traincase of death (the traincase that stay at home & holds all my stuff that I have no use for in real life..including the mineral shadows from last year, brow shaders, & some other random junk I've gotten through the years)


Well-known member
Oh I am not at all suggesting that people boycott LE collections, not at all. I think they are fun, and I get caught up in the hype and excitement of the color stories, packaging, face charts and new products. I was at my MAC store on the 14th to get C-Shock, and I think that MAC has released some really cool items this summer, namely the C-Shock shadows, Orchidazzle and Blact O' Blue lipstick and the Pandomnium Quad. However they have also released a lot of junk, and I am legitamately surprised to find people so wild about it (and I say that with contempt or judgement).

Originally Posted by panda0410
My sentiments exactly......OK, collectors might be different, personally I hoard pigments, but I dont have every pigment (pretty close and I have bought at least one or two things from each collection from the past 2 years, and will probably continue the trend, but I echo your thoughts on the novelty of LE and use of non mac items. I'm no MA but I dont think you need to be one to still be pissed off that some of the nicest products are available once only as LEs - even general consumers get ticked that a gorgeous product is essentially gone - and thats the entire psychology of LE items - the notion isnt new and I doubt the trend will stop. I cant say I blame consumers though for snatching up what they can - I already have one of the Rushmetal pigments and will almost certainly buy the others... So to some extent WE drive the market. EL wont stop while they are making mega bucks (why would they??) and consumers wont stop while they know their items will be gone for good in 3 months or less.... Its a cycle of stategic marketing psychology - and YES, companies like this DO employ psychologists who specialise in marketing and consumer relations. They set targets on what is achievable based on market stats and initiatives - LE labelling WORKS and it will continue to be used. If they made some things from these collections perms then they are likely to be overlooked in the rush to get the other items and clearly thats not what the company wants..... I agree with what you have said, dont get me wrong, but I doubt consumers will boycot LE items anytime in the future - me inlcuded...LOL!! The one thing I do wish is that collections have more time between releases.... it could actually be benficial to EL as well if some serious thought was given to it..... Mass production doesnt look good on any scale and the individuality and quality of MAC may well become lost in all the other labels with the number of collection productions they are releasing. Other lines all have LE items/colours too but most people rarely take notice, something new and similar will be out shortly enough, and really MAC isnt far away from that..... Like I said before, I would rather have one or two really special items from a quality brand and a well thought out collection, than a dozen colours or items so similar its hard to tell apart. I think they key for consumers will be to learn to be more discerning when purchasing items, but I think that while LE items continue to sell out (and I agree, NOT all of them are quality or worth our bucks) - some selling out in a matter of hours - the almighty $$ will be what continues to drive EL/MAC to keep releasing them.


Well-known member
I used to get overwhelmed whenever I see new color stories, and when pictures and swatches turn up. But everytime when I see them for real, I sometimes tend to be disappointed, or skip the collection altogether. It tends to be different from what I imagine or what I want it to be. I am pretty selective with what I buy, so as to not end up with duplicates. I also think it is when you are undecided on whether to get something or not, think it over for one or two days. It works really well for me so that I will not impulse buy.

The only stuff I got so far this year from MAC were from Barbie, Slimshine and 2 blushers from the permanent collection. The LE thing doesn't do anything to me. If I like it, I will get it. It gets tiring when too many things are released at the same time. :confused:


Well-known member
I agree with everything you have stated, Twinkle_Twinkle.

I haven't bought an item for ANY collection since Dec 2006! I stopped once I realized that I wasted my money on Budding Beauty e/s, which I find it to be a frost version of Sushi Flower. I'm broke and unemployed and I really don't have money to be spending on LE collections that are being spurred out every two weeks. At the moment, I just buy my esstentials (like concealer and e/s for my eyebrows, etc.) and leave it at that. The only time I get LE items is at the Estee Lauder warehouse sales. I actually got Overgrown e/s, Li'ily e/s and Love-Bud e/s, eyeshadows that I thought I would never see again!

And I can imagine how the MAs must feel. I can't imagine having to memorize new products every two weeks or so!


Well-known member
urgh! i totally agree! it's pretty much back to back collection releases all through this year.... but i still want them all!!!

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