Love joy blush


Well-known member
It's a great natural color and far too light to be a bronzer. It seems to have less sparkles than Crazed or Sin....It's not as anemic as Orgasm, but pale people can wear Lovejoy. Some earthy colors like Sertao or Lovejoy look darker in the compact but look perfect on the complexion and not obvious at all. (Lovejoy is my most worn color)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spendtoomuch
Would lovejoy work for a Mac NW20 skin colour or is it too dark.

I'm the same coloring and it does not work for me. Too warm, too brown (and yet I can't use it as bronzer because of the rose tones in it).


Well-known member
I'm also NW20 and find that Orgasm just disappears on my skin. I, too, was thinking of trying lovejoy. I'm interested in hearing what others have to say. I bought Taos thinking it would give me more color, but it's such a saturated color that I have to use a very, very light hand in order to wear it. I would not recommend Taos for our skintone.