Lovin' Jamie's (Shimmer) Article on Young Girls Starting to Wear Makeup


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Shimmer is a really good writer and it sounds like she has exactly the right attitude towards her daughter and wearing makeup. My mom was very natural when it came to makeup and was never really into cosmetics at all. She was the one that would pick whatever foundation was on sale at the drugstore that week.

When I found makeup I was that girl that looked like a package of skittles threw up on her face. I tried every color and wore way to much makeup in high school. I had to do all of the trial and errors myself and have now, at 27, come to a nice happy medium.

As far as young girls wearing makeup I think that at the pre-teen or under 16 girls that lipgloss and mascara is plenty. Kids should be kids and not worry about all of that stuff so early. I think that I would do exactly what Shimmer is doing when I have a pre-teen/teenage girl some day.