Lure Overdose


Active member
A few weeks ago I pre-ordered some of (well...ok...'almost' all of) Lure from my nearest freestanding store and am going to pick it up on Monday.

After congratulating myself on how incredibly patient I was being (no online ordering! no buying sight unseen! blah, blah, blah) I went about doing crap errands this morning and somehow found myself at the Nordies counter helping myself to everything I wanted. Rather embarrassing actually, as the MA asked me to take what I wanted off the display to make sure we got it all, and the display was positively naked by the time I was finished (still ended up w/o my TLC sticks).

AND I found out that a Sephora had popped up like a mushroom a few doors down (but no UDPP or blinc mascara in stock damnit!).

So I adore this collection. I went home, played with it, packed it on my face like a kid eating a chocolate bar. Ended up looking a bit like the forementioned chocolate faced kid (shimmery, expensive rather blue/green chocolate though).

Anyways, even though I'll be keeping a bunch of my pre-order (insert Gollum-like cackling), I did want to offer to do a CP for anyone who's having trouble getting L/B/H stuff. I'm not sure if this is kosher on Specktra, but I've got a feeling that this collection is a hot one, and I can't justify getting backups of cremeblushes, fluidlines, etc..
So if I can help be a help to anybody, please PM me and reply here as well. If you don't need a CP feel free to join me in my obscene happiness with the collection


Active member
Aw shucks
...Thanks guys

I may have looked a mess, but I had so much fun. I went to the barn to tuck in my horse for the night, makeup explosion and all, and he and the barn help didn't even notice (or were too polite to mention it).

P.S. If anyone needs any of my double dose of Lure, let me know by early Monday morning (MST). I hate to think of it being sent out into the wilds of Colorado if a Specktra member needs it.

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