MA personal book?


Well-known member
I went into Nordie's to do my holiday hauling. and my favorite MA asked if I was in her personal book and when I said no she took down all of my information. What does that meeean?


Well-known member
Probably not. j/k. Maybe. I'm in my SA's personal book and I know of nothing but, ofcourse, I work at the store. I still know nothing. Hopefully, your MA will give a damn and keep you informed.


Well-known member
I swear, I'm in every single MA's book in the bay area....not really, but I'm sure I'm in a lot of them haha.

when I worked at Origins, I would get credit for each person I put in my book...but it's prob. different at MAC.


Well-known member
It also means that when they move store/counter they can let you know where they've gone to in the hope that you'll follow


Well-known member
I used to work at Nordstrom when I was about 19....every sales associate in every dept. has a 'Personal Book' where they write down the names, numbers, addresses, and purchasing info. of their customers..usually it's reserved for repeat customers, but some SA's put everybody in it. Then, it's usually a requirement for the SA's to write Thank You notes to the customers....I did mine on down-time...a tedious little thing to do..but worth it; many customers are really touched by the gesture...and since we get commission, it's quite beneficial, too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_ATTACK
Most MAs, SAs have a contact book for their clients for advance notice of sales, special events etc.

what she said