MAC 15-palette


New member
I want to get a 15 eyeshadow palette and fill it, which colours would you recommend for me? I'm cool-toned and very pale (probably about NC15) with blue-green eyes and dark blonde hair. I already have Jest, Patina, Satellite Dreams and Cranberry :) I have my eye on Sketch and Retrospeck but other than that I don't know!


Staff member
Any of the following: Indian Ink or Fig. 1, Shale, Copperplate (a must-have blending/transition colour, IMO!), Wedge, All That Glitters, Woodwinked, Malt or Quarry, Satin Taupe.


Well-known member
All those above plus: Omega, Naked Lunch, Shroom, Arena, Brown Script, Trax, Kid, Handwritten, Satin Taupe, Mulch, Amber Lights

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