MAC All About Orange Collection (June 2013)


Well-known member
Erine you know what sucks....when I tried to b2m for the fashion sets my local mac said NO to using my empties for the lippies. I was so sad! Is there any way I can get proof somewhere that I can b2m for le in normal packaging?
Maybe you can do a mac chat and print it out?


Well-known member
Erine you know what sucks....when I tried to b2m for the fashion sets my local mac said NO to using my empties for the lippies. I was so sad! Is there any way I can get proof somewhere that I can b2m for le in normal packaging?
Maybe you can do a mac chat and print it out?
Do a live chat like Corally said, but also tell them to look in their update book at the B2M overview. It specifically states that the only exclusions are VG lips and special packaging. Everything else is eligible. Besides, if LE was excluded, there'd be no need to specify about the special packaging.


Well-known member
Erine you know what sucks....when I tried to b2m for the fashion sets my local mac said NO to using my empties for the lippies. I was so sad! Is there any way I can get proof somewhere that I can b2m for le in normal packaging?
Yes the same thing happened to me.

Ana A

Well-known member
Only flamingo and sushi kiss for me, flamingo because it seems like a color that works on everyone and sushi kiss because is the only satin..I hope to see more swatches b4 the launch though, because if it ends up looking like "betty bright" did on me I will be crushed


Well-known member
I am so excited to see swatches of Sushi Kiss

Only flamingo and sushi kiss for me, flamingo because it seems like a color that works on everyone and sushi kiss because is the only satin..I hope to see more swatches b4 the launch though, because if it ends up looking like "betty bright" did on me I will be crushed


Well-known member
As I already have IF, without seeing swatches I'm currently wanting RS and HJ blushes. Lipsticks I'll have to see... I find light peachy/corals look a bit odd on me.


Well-known member
Well, I am trying to skip. My inner greed monster wants to BU Flamingo. But I know I MUST save for Tropical Taboo. And, I have SLN and Sail La Vie to cover any orange need. If I want to do IN YO FACE orange lips, I layer clear gloss over Temperature Rising or Whjat a Blast lip pencil used to just fill in the lips.
I have Temperature Rising lip pencil. Maybe I'll satisfy my orange craving with that and clear gloss too


Well-known member
I have Flamingo, Watch Me Simmer and another orange (can't remember) so I think I'll skip the lipsticks. I really want swatches of the HJ blush, that's what I'm looking forward to.


Well-known member
Are the pros going to have this the week before? I only have ever hip and betty bright so I think that justifies buying 4-5 lippies.


Well-known member
Only thing I want from the collection is Sushi Kiss and Flamingo(even though I'm not a lustre kind of girl). I'll have to wait and see how the blushes look.


Well-known member
I forgot to take a picture earlier! But I'm wearing razzledazzler with nice n spice liner (it's worn off a little it's been on for almost 4 hours)

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