MAC Basic Training


Well-known member
What exactly happens at Basic Training? I will be going to the Toronto/Markham one at the end of July, but I just wanted to get more details from you guys before I do my paper work (and yes, I got the job for a permanent 18hr position!
I'll post info about my interview & demo soon). Also, what are the times and hours? I did a search and saw that it lasts about a week...? This is probably not likely...but do they provide food? Any info is MUCH appreciated...thanks!


I think the hours are 9:30-6:00.
I'll probably see you there, since I most likely will be going there as well for the end of July, unless they have other sessions around the same time.
I'm not sure about food or anything else, but with my experience with makeup training sessions, food and snacks are always provided.
Plus you get paid


Well-known member
Originally Posted by annrose
What exactly happens at Basic Training? I will be going to the Toronto/Markham one at the end of July, but I just wanted to get more details from you guys before I do my paper work (and yes, I got the job for a permanent 18hr position!
I'll post info about my interview & demo soon). Also, what are the times and hours? I did a search and saw that it lasts about a week...? This is probably not likely...but do they provide food? Any info is MUCH appreciated...thanks!

Good question!
And congratulations!
Yes, you will be there Monday to Friday, so every day for five days... it starts at 10 and ends at 6, but usually there's an icebreaker bit at 9:30. There is so much food you will gain ten pounds. It's also a sort of "give what you get" situation - the more involved you are the more fun you'll have.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by maxcat
Good question!
And congratulations!
Yes, you will be there Monday to Friday, so every day for five days... it starts at 10 and ends at 6, but usually there's an icebreaker bit at 9:30. There is so much food you will gain ten pounds. It's also a sort of "give what you get" situation - the more involved you are the more fun you'll have.

Thanks so much! Free food is always great
I'll probably look like a huge nerd with my little book taking notes...haha =P


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_mod
I think the hours are 9:30-6:00.
I'll probably see you there, since I most likely will be going there as well for the end of July, unless they have other sessions around the same time.
I'm not sure about food or anything else, but with my experience with makeup training sessions, food and snacks are always provided.
Plus you get paid

I think you're the same person from MUA...? CONGRATS!
I guess you're gonna go for it! I'll see you at training!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by annrose
What exactly happens at Basic Training? I will be going to the Toronto/Markham one at the end of July, but I just wanted to get more details from you guys before I do my paper work (and yes, I got the job for a permanent 18hr position!
I'll post info about my interview & demo soon). Also, what are the times and hours? I did a search and saw that it lasts about a week...? This is probably not likely...but do they provide food? Any info is MUCH appreciated...thanks!

congratulations with getting a position!!

im in NY but i assume all basics are the same. Yes, there is free food. For us there was a spread in the conference room in the hotel we were at and the people came in and refreshed it for us. Lunch was around 1 or 2 but they let you go at dinner time so we were all STAARRVVINNGG when we got out.

They encouraged us to take notes but you see I went to basic when I was already working for them for like 5 months so a lot of what I learned was on counter which kinda stunk. They are suppose to give you PKMs but I heard theyre on back order cause I STILL havent recieved mine and that was quite some time ago.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by professionaltart
congratulations with getting a position!!

im in NY but i assume all basics are the same. Yes, there is free food. For us there was a spread in the conference room in the hotel we were at and the people came in and refreshed it for us. Lunch was around 1 or 2 but they let you go at dinner time so we were all STAARRVVINNGG when we got out.

They encouraged us to take notes but you see I went to basic when I was already working for them for like 5 months so a lot of what I learned was on counter which kinda stunk. They are suppose to give you PKMs but I heard theyre on back order cause I STILL havent recieved mine and that was quite some time ago.


PKM = the supposed "MAC Bible"?


Well-known member
PKM is the "MAC Bible" and ours in Tampa is going to be in a couple of weeks and goes from Sunday to Thursday...the upside is that we get Fri, Sat AND Sunday OFF!! YIPEE!!


Well-known member
I went to the basic training in Markham as well. It is 5 days and goes from 9:30am-6:00pm. Don't worry, you get fed VERY WELL. They have breakfast waiting in the break room as soon as you come in, they take you out to a different restaurant each day for lunch, and then, again, have snacks waiting in the break room around 4:00pm. Like someone already mentioned, you will gain 10 pounds!! It is fun and it's nice to meet other employees.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shabdebaz
I went to the basic training in Markham as well. It is 5 days and goes from 9:30am-6:00pm. Don't worry, you get fed VERY WELL. They have breakfast waiting in the break room as soon as you come in, they take you out to a different restaurant each day for lunch, and then, again, have snacks waiting in the break room around 4:00pm. Like someone already mentioned, you will gain 10 pounds!! It is fun and it's nice to meet other employees.

Wow...they'll actually take us to restaurants?

And thanks to EVERYONE for your responses!

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