MAC Blue quad recs


Well-known member
Hey ladies!
So, I have a MAC quad that I had filled with Tilt, Moon's Reflection and Contrast. I was looking to fill the last slot when I came home the other night to find that my cat had knocked over my makeup bag and Tilt came out of the quad and somehow was PULVERIZED all over the bathroom floor. There was no way I could save it. At least I have the empty pan for my next B2M visit!!
I have been wanting to get Deep Truth and I don't think I'll get Tilt again just b/c I didn't use it much, so I need an idea on one last blue/bluish color to fill the quad. I have olive skin, dark brown hair and green eyes.


Well-known member
If I was going to add a last blue to that quad, I'd probably go with Freshwater. Sometimes I do Moon's Reflection on the lid, Freshwater in the crease, and Flashtrack (which I believe is similar to Deep Truth) on the outer corners, and it's lovely.


Well-known member
Get Blue Flame from the Cool Heat collection the ladies here are saying that it's close to Deep Truth ,but with better texture.I'm pretty sure that i saw swatches on both in the Product swatches forum.


Well-known member
blue flame... i swatched it nxt to deep truth when i got it, and its very similar. the difference is that deep truth has a slight navy hugh to it & blue flame has a blue hugh. it was something like that, i cant remember. but i do remember thinking "if i add a little bit of carbon to blue flame itll be like deep truth." so i say blue flame...


Well-known member
another vote for freshwater!
i also love love love electric eel.
and prussian, its a matte (i dont know if you like matte texture).


Well-known member
I love blues, my favs are:
-Electric eel

Cool heat looks nice too


Well-known member
oh yes go with freshwater its a great color
i dont like deep truth i prefer flashtrack or bell bottom blue pigment for a darker blue


Well-known member
Freshwater would probably look really pretty on your complexion if you want a brighter color. Maybe Pandamonium if you want another color to blend them out with or something a little more subtle. Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Freshwater is a lovely colour, especially with your skintone
It is quite vivid however so I guess it depends what kind of blue you want