MAC blush recs please!


I am looking to buy a MAC blush, and was wanting some recs please

I am 18yo warm toned, fair but quite tanned. Hazel eyes, light brunette/blonde hair. I wear a lot of gold, nude and bronze shades. At the moment I am using one or the other of Clinique shimmering tones that were released in Australia recently- the peach bronze or golden bronze. I have both.

I was hoping to buy online but the site I was looking at only has Margin, Mocha and Prism. If any of these would suit me I would be delighted, however if you have a rec for another shade I would love to hear it



Active member
Prism is absolutely gorgeous especially when your warm toned IMO. I also like Peachykeen if you like shimmer. HTH


Well-known member
If your looking to choose between the 3 you listed, then I'd say Margin - it'll show up beautiful on your skin - and since you like golds/bronzes/nudes, it'll be the perfect flush of color - Margin is a shimmery subtle bronzy/peachy/warm shade.

Other blushes I would recommend: Peachykeen, peaches, melba are also great on warm toned ladies who like eyeshadows on the warmer side