MAC Brush Recommendation


Well-known member
I need a brush which will work with both blusher and bronzer, at the moment I'm looking at the 116 and 129 but the MA at my store said I should get the 187 for bronzer and 168 for blusher. I'm now so confused which should I get?


While I do agree that the 187 is awesome, its a bit more of a specialized if you don't have a powder/blush brush yet and this is your first, I find that the 129 is the way to go...its more versatile...the 187 is awesome for skin finish, hyper real, or buffing colour into the cheeks...the 168 is really nice as well, but it will give you a more contoured effect, which is nice for bronzer do you want to wear your blush/bronzer? if you want that nice sunkissed look on the high planes of your face, the 129 is still the way to go....the 116 is again thinner and better for contouring....choose the brush that best suits how you want to wear your blush/bronzer...

hope that helps!