MAC - Colour Craft Discussion


Well-known member
The 131 is not listed as sold out now on the Cdn website.
Um, I would like to know if 131 is an absolute must have?

i do have 2 187 and oso a 165. Do I need the 131? *grins*

I am so going back and forth whether to buy 131 and Cheeky Bronze or not >_< Anyone can you please help me to decide?



Active member
Originally Posted by midnight_plue
Um, I would like to know if 131 is an absolute must have?

i do have 2 187 and oso a 165. Do I need the 131? *grins*

I am so going back and forth whether to buy 131 and Cheeky Bronze or not >_< Anyone can you please help me to decide?


cheeky bronze is a real nice color. it shows up more plum on my skin rather than a heavy bronze color. it's also real nice compliment to faddabulous, if you picked that up also.

hmmm...well, i guess the 131 is totally by preference. a lot of the gals are also debating whether or not they should get it. i got it for one reason because it's LE. lol. i just have this urge to get LE brushes because of the fear or losing out. plus i experimented with the 131 brush and it works for me as a foundation brush.


Well-known member
midnight_plue........I can't help you decide...But I am a 100% Brush Whore and i have almost every brush that MAC makes and I did not personally find it a must any means....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
midnight_plue........I can't help you decide...But I am a 100% Brush Whore and i have almost every brush that MAC makes and I did not personally find it a must any means....

Well if that doesn't convince her, I don't know what will.


Well-known member
I think someone had comparison swatches of the 2 but I can't seem to find the page anywhere. Can someone tell me the difference b/w made with love and costa chic. If I already have MWL, do I need costa chic? I am unable to check it out in person so I have to order it on the mac site but only if it's a must have. Am I missing out?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
Thanks so much, I was thinking Improvise and Cheeky Bronze as well.
I'm still on the fence with the 131. I have the 188 and 187, and have always wanted a brush that was the middle size of these two, but $40 is a lot IMO. Oh well I'll prob still get it too

I don't mean to be a de-enabler (is that a word??), but to me from the pix, is it worth having them both? I'm trying to decide between these too and am looking for the more "peachy" one but afraid that Improvise won't be a blush but more of a highlighter on me (NC40).

Are these two really different on the face (for those of you that bought both?)?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by only1angel
I think someone had comparison swatches of the 2 but I can't seem to find the page anywhere. Can someone tell me the difference b/w made with love and costa chic. If I already have MWL, do I need costa chic? I am unable to check it out in person so I have to order it on the mac site but only if it's a must have. Am I missing out?

2nd page of the swatch thread



Well-known member
So the funniest thing happened to me when I went to the mall. I was sitting down cause I was tired of walking around and a lady comes up to me and asks where the MAC store was. I told her there are two one in Dillards and Nordstrom. She was like okay and was in a hurry to go. Then I realized she didn't mean MAC cosmetics....she meant MAC the apple store. *what an idiot I am* So I totally told a lady to go somewhere she did not intend to go. You see what MAC does to you? It makes you think of MAC continuously. I am a MAC crack head I guess lolz! Anyways...I know this was off topic but I thought I would share my experience with you girls. That's my story...the end.


Well-known member
Thanks Tish! I knew this was posted and I wasn't going crazy lol. For some reason though, I thought it was posted on the discussions thread. Unless someone that has both could convince me otherwise, they look pretty close in the swatch so I guess I could live without getting costa chic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Erin, are we missing something. Is the 131 supposed to be helping us with all this glitter?

Triple Fusion was just wrong. It looked like Redhead but swatched a reflects glitter.

it won't help with the glitter
(i say its shimmer

Originally Posted by Kalico
Were the Grand Duos this glittery? I should have checked... Some of these colors I love and I might pick up their Grand Duo counterparts if they aren't.

Oh, I also looooved the MES! I've looked at them in a whole new light ever since someone mentioned they would be great for travel. So I might pick up a couple and break my virginity to MES. Although if I keep buying MAC I'll never travel anywhere.....

grand duos were more glittery, these are more shimmery, sonic chic was glowy.

Originally Posted by rehana

so im wondering if i made a mistake!

i bought assemblage thinking that i could throw it in my purse and use it after work for a day-to-knight look because my carbon is depotted...

hmm...what did you ladies think of assemblage?


buy a pot of carbon if you must carry a shadow with you.

Originally Posted by Susanne
Erin always says: Use a bronzer if you want a bronzer
She recommends MSFs as a highlighter.

I love Refined Golden BTW. It is not too shimmery but gives a perfect sheen.


Originally Posted by kiss
Really? That stinks. I tried it on in the store and it looked like a really pretty bronze. What skintone are you? I may still pick it up later.

are you talking about C&C? it didn't turn orange on me and i'm about an nc30 right now. it has more to do with your skin chemistry than your skin tone whether a colour will turn on you or not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Yeah that Lady is looking for you right now!!! LOL LOL too funny!! Whatcha get???

Nothing....yet lolz! I've actually been really good. I've skipped all the summer collections so far. But you know I am a MSF whore too sooo we'll see how long I hold out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ladyJ
So the funniest thing happened to me when I went to the mall. I was sitting down cause I was tired of walking around and a lady comes up to me and asks where the MAC store was. I told her there are two one in Dillards and Nordstrom. She was like okay and was in a hurry to go. Then I realized she didn't mean MAC cosmetics....she meant MAC the apple store. *what an idiot I am* So I totally told a lady to go somewhere she did not intend to go. You see what MAC does to you? It makes you think of MAC continuously. I am a MAC crack head I guess lolz! Anyways...I know this was off topic but I thought I would share my experience with you girls. That's my story...the end.

That's too funny! Sounds like something I would do lolol. I wonder if she checked out colour craft lol.

1 UP Mushrooms

Well-known member
Originally Posted by only1angel
I think someone had comparison swatches of the 2 but I can't seem to find the page anywhere. Can someone tell me the difference b/w made with love and costa chic. If I already have MWL, do I need costa chic? I am unable to check it out in person so I have to order it on the mac site but only if it's a must have. Am I missing out?

The two swatches quite similarly but IMO they're quite different IRL especially when applied on the lips. Costa Chic is actually a brighter coral (almost like an orangey coral) while Made With Love is more of a reddish coral in comparison.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
oh btw, glad to see ya back on here tish!

Thank know I stay away when I don't want to spend much by way of enabling lol ...after I spend and I am good with items I really wanted ...I pop back in


Well-known member
So I checked this collection out today and these are my thoughts
Blushes- an intense amount of shimmer and random glitters, I did not like the blushes despite the smooth texture not to mention that small glitters on your cheeks is so not cute.

MSF's- Okay, I am not impressed by these. Porcelain Pink was chalky and not worth the price tag. IMO these MSF's are not unique enough to buy. If you are into a natural cheek than these will suit you, if you like dramatic cheeks PASS! Somebody on here said they would love an MSF in the color of St. Germain and I totally agree, that is what I would spend money on.

Lippies- A good part of the collection! Colour Crafted is a beautiful yet dupeable light pink. Made With Love is a unique color and would make an awesome bridal lip. NO this is NOTHING like Costa Chic. Trimming Talk is a hot pink with some blue iridescence, everyone needs a hot pink l/s! I didn't look at the others...sorry
Oh, didn't look at the glosses either

Shadows- I am not a fan of mineral shadows personally. It is very cool that you get 4 colors, but they would be annoying when trying to work with. Some were glittery.

Overall, don't fall into the hype of this collection and buy what is unique and you love. Some of this collection is dissapointing, but again these are my impressions!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
Sorry to sound dumb, but why would it explode? Heat or just tossing around?

mineralize products are super-fragile. the slightest bump can easily shatter em. i don't recommend carrying em around in purses, unless you want a broken product and a messy, colourful, shimmery bag interior.

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