MAC Commercial for my television production class- HELP!


Well-known member
Hey Mods- if this isn't the right place please feel free to move! :)

Im doing a commercial for my television production camera- we have SUPER high tech video equiptment and realy high-tech Macintosh editing software-- somehow I convinced my partner to let us do our commercial for MAC... because Im crazy obsessed and whn i brought *some* of my collection to class he was like "wow.. those are really pretty.. i need to shutup before someone starts questioning my masculenity" haha..

Well... does anyone have any ideas? Its going to be roughly a minute and 1/2-2 minutes in length.. and im thinking of doing it to Goldfrapps "Beautiful" or "oh la la"... I want it to send a REALLY crazy message and be super retro-- im just having trouble racking my brain of what to do!

Please help from all my crazy creative mac friends! :)


Well-known member
oooh that sounds really fun!! It would be cool if you did different looks and kind of did close ups to the sound of the music (if that makes sense at all) ah I suck at explaining but maybe that made sense. I think it would be cool if you used lots of bright colors. Since you want it retro maybe you could like do a brief clip of makeup from different decades. Ha hope this somewhat helps a little. Have fun!


Well-known member
^Thanks, that def helps!!

Im in the planning stages of this girls, any advice or suggestions would be REALLY REALLY appreciated! I dont know who better to help me encompass the feel of "MAC" into video form than you girls!!!!


Well-known member
I know MAC have a you tube channel. Maybe that may give you some inspiration?

I love their videos, their haloween looks one is amazing!