MAC - Customer Service


Well-known member
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I'm really frustrated with the lack of, customer service, at the MAC store on Colorado in Pasadena.

I buy MAC 2-3 times a month,, my recent purchases. I try to go when it's not so busy so I can get in and out. Sometimes I buy a few things most times a lot. On my recent trip to the store, I walked in, was greeted and proceeded to look around. Once I was ready I made eye contact with one of the makeup artist and she said someone would be out soon. There were three MA's on the floor giving "going-out-that night makeovers. Everytime a MA came out from the back they walked up to someone who had just walked in and started helping them without asking, "who was here first?" I think it's reasonable to expect they would. Once they were done they disappeared into the back. What's back there anyway? I had to ask for help three times, in the midst of all this 3 customers walked out. They weren't even acknowledged. I'm an easy customer, I have a list, I know what I want. If I could get the products myself I would. I go to this store because it's less than 10 minutes from my house. I didn't leave because I wasn't sure if I would have the time to go to the Pro store the next day and I needed to get these items.

The other thing I've noticed about this store is the MA's are rather snobby. It's like I'm doing them a favor by buying MAC. From all the stories I've read about girls wanting to work for MAC and being so excited when they get the call back - where's that enthusiasm /excitement towards the customer?

MAC Pro Store on Robertson: The staff in this store is always great! Everyone greets you and no matter how busy the store is or gets everyone is helped. They assure you they will help you shortly and apologize if you had to wait a few minutes. I don't know if it's that the staff in this store doesn't constantly fluctuate but I've never had a bad experience. I've gone it with friends who were buying and I bought nothing. But I left feeling like a valued, albeit window shopping, customer.

So clearly I'll have to drive to the Pro Store as they value me as a customer. I think everyone that walks through MAC's door should be treated the same, no matter how much they do/do not purchase. No I'm not telling anyone how to do they're job. I'm just giving my experience/perspective/what I would like as a customer.


Well-known member
I've found the MAC counter at Nordstrom in Riverside, CA to be the same way. (granted, this was 5 years ago) I would walk in and be ignored, or treated like I was wasting their time... Darn shame.


Well-known member
it's a shame because we love MAC and we would love to have a better experiences there. We don't want to warn new MAC lovers of the scary MA's in there. I always used to feel nervous before going there and i still do sometimes.


Well-known member
That's the other thing, you should'nt feel scared, some say intimidated, by the MA's. I've always thought they were there to help us.


Well-known member
i agree that we shouldn't feel scared but you can't help it if they are snobby towards you


Well-known member
The MAC counter in Macys, At the Pacific View Mall In Ventura, is the same way.. I haven't purchased anything from them in years..I started buying Benefit because I could NEVER EVER get help at the mac counter. I tried to buy a lipstick there the last time I went, and the MA wouldn't help me pick a color good for me, she just asked me what I wanted to buy, over and over and over...

"what do you think would look good with my skin tone?"

"well... whatever you want to buy, what color do you want to get?"

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Wow. If you all ever went to the counter or store I go to, you'd never say that. I've been going to them both for a year and a half and I've always been treated very well.

All I can say is write to MAC about it if it raises enough concern for you.


Well-known member
I used to go to a MAC counter in Nordstrom's in Seattle that I LOVED ! there was one girl there , with long blond hair, she was the sweetest thing ever! she helped me out A LOT. I miss going there


Well-known member
The way you are treated at the pasadena store I was treated at the pro store on robertson. There was this MA who i really like she even remembers me and is soooo polite and lovely!!! So when I go I just look for her and wait for her I can care less about any of the other ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by almmaaa
The way you are treated at the pasadena store I was treated at the pro store on robertson. There was this MA who i really like she even remembers me and is soooo polite and lovely!!! So when I go I just look for her and wait for her I can care less about any of the other ones.

I hear what you're saying. I find, overall, that the MA's at the Pasadena store are snobby and unfriendly.