MAC Demo Interviews - descriptions & questions

Jackie O

Well-known member
Re: Mac Demo Do's / Dont's

Originally Posted by paparazziboy
ok i know this sounds dumb but how does me being a guy help get ahead

I think what she meant by you being a guy is you're not the traditional female who comes in looking for the job. you're held at higher standards so as a man they expect you to bring it, and you'll obviously stand out more
so that's a good thing! Good luck to you! Don't be nervous though, just go for it like I did! One thing the manager told me, having makeup skills is excellent for the job, of course, but those are things that can be taught. It's your personality that will really get you noticed. And I was like oh I hope they like my personality then! lol I really clicked with the managers when we talked, it was the first time in my life I didn't feel like I was really being interviewed, I felt like I could be myself but still maintaining professionalism of course. My advice to you is just be yourself! I know it sounds cliche but trust me, it will help you shine!


Well-known member
Re: Mac Demo Do's / Dont's

My tips are;
Be PREPARED for ANYTHING. If your MAC counter knows you, and you always go in with rockin' eyeshadow, they aren't going to ask for that, they are going to ask for bold lips, or bright cheeks!

Have a read here but don't imagine too much about what its going to be like. My demo was so different to anything anyone has posted here. They didnt want me to explain, they just wanted to see that I could do makeup. And ultimately I didnt get hired because the other girl had better skills. I had way more experience, and she hadn't had any beauty industry experience, and yet they hired her, so not every MAC is different, they arent all looking for customer service skills!


Re: Mac Demo Do's / Dont's

1.] Santize sanitize sanitize. Wipe down all powders, sanitize your hands, use spatulas & petri dishes for creams.

2.] LASHES! not all locations ask for you to do lashes from what i've gathered from other MA's, but if you can do them and they don't ask you to, before you start, ASK them if they would like you to demonstrate. you'd be surprised how many people can't/don't do lashes .. && lets face it, PEOPLE LOVE LASHES!

3.] SHOW AND TEACH! MAC is REALLY REALLY REALLY going towards this method. people will buy 300$ worth of product when they feel awesome after you've done their makeup, but then they get home and can't do ANYTHING themselves. so show & teach! not on EVERYTHING but on key parts, make sure they have a mirror in their hands at ALL times watching you. even though you probably know you're model, it's still a "customer" for the moment, you are already an ma for the moment, and you are trying to show that you can work in the MAC setting.

4.] do know some knowledge of MAC cosmetics history, MAC AIDS fund, B2M, and Viva Glam.

5.] close as you go .. this is a MAC training technique - if you do this, you will score major points. since you are "pretending" its a random person, as you are going through the application, ask them how they like things, etc etc. when they go "wow, i LOVE this!" create a "wow me" pile. the products you use that they absolutely love, set them aside so at the end, you go over what you've used and then you have a pile of things they will commit to buying.

6.] if you have ANY product knowledge, explain the products you are using as you are applying. why you chose them for the person, why you like them personally, etc etc.

7.] investigate! ask you "customer" questions about skin. steer clear of "industry lingo" [full coverage, oily skin, dry skin, sheer] .. you'd be surprised, people who want full coverage sometimes don't realize full coverage means you see no skin, they assume full coverage to just cover blemishes. ask them WHEN they get oily, WHEN they get dry, WHERE do they get oily/dry, ask them what they want their foundation to look like [natural, dewey, etc], ask them what THEY dislike about their current routine. it will make a huge difference in being able to select product.

last but not least [sorry, i know its a lot!] don't forget skin care. not sure if you will be interviewing with a counter manager or a RDAT, but they will probably ask you questions in front of your model like "why did you use this, why did you pick that, what did you ask him/her about their skin & what they were going for, etc etc" so be prepared!

stay calm, take in ANY advice &/or criticism and eat it up! good luck!


Active member
makeup demo

I went for one make up demo/interview with the retail manager at mac....I passed so now I have to do another make up demo/interview with the regional trainer.....why? I thought you only had to do one makeup demo for the interview process not 2....anyone have a clue?


Well-known member
Re: Mac Demo Do's / Dont's

You've gotten some great advice already, but I just wanted to add one more thing

Don't panic if they ask you a question and you don't know the answer! Just admit that you don't know. That'll get the question out of the way faster than trying to answer when you don't know what to say, and that way you can move on to something you do know

After all, they don't expect you to know everything!

Good luck!

Edit: Just one more thing, haha
What makeup you wear to the demo/interview should reflect what makeup you usually wear. Since you're a guy, you can probably get away with just having flawless skin(foundation, contouring, maybe a neutral blusher), nicely groomed brows and lashes, and some lip balm on the lips.
That being said, as long as your makeup is nicely applied, you can get away with wearing colours as well!

La Dolce Diva

Well-known member
Re: Mac Demo Do's / Dont's

I agree with previous posters- know what foundation and concealers you want to use in advance.

Also, inform your model in advance of anything you want them to know. I thought I did a great job of explaining the products and what they do to my model. So of course I was in shock when my boss (yay!) came to ask my model questions and my model she began to ask questions that I'd already answered. Have the "don't say anything crazy...or how about don't say anything at all" (unless its "I love it- ring me up!") convo before you arrive. Same goes for certifications LOL


Re: Mac Demo Do's / Dont's

Affirmative Action. You know how it is in the work force. With the way the work force is, they have affirmative action so that women can get more jobs in the male dominant work field. But on the same note, they can't be sexist, and affirmative action works for males to. With MAC, because it is a women dominated work field, being a guy gives you an edge because MAC is all about diversity and differences amongst people.


Well-known member
Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

Hi girls!!! First of all I wanted to thank everyone that has posted their stories. You all really motivated to apply keep my hopes up with MAC.

I first apply for MAC back in June. After replying a craig list ad I got a call back asking me to come in for a interview in about two weeks. I of course said yes right away and started to get nervous. On the interview I went dress all black(with a skirt and nice blouse) and fierce makeup. She asked me several questions about me, work experience, where I would like to work, my favorite products, why I loved MAC. I did ok in that interview, but I let my nerves get the best of me. I was so nervous I could barely smile or have a real interaction with the lady interviewing me. She looked fierce and it was really nice, but she had something intimidating about her. I felt like I gave average answers but didn't really wow her. The whole thing took about 20 min. I waited anxiously for a call back for a demo. 1, 2, 3 weeks passed. Never came.
I was so upset and frustrated with myself. I knew I could do much better than that. I sent follow up emails and everything but heard nothing back. On mid-september I saw another ad on craigslist and decided to re-apply. I figure:" Why not? The worst is gonna happen is that they won't call me back!" Well... but they did. They ask me to come in for a interview. I knew it was gonna be with the same lady who interview the first time back in June but I wasn't sure if she remembered me or not.
Well... I went dress all black again(pants and blouse) fierce makeup. When I sat down she asked me to tell her about me. 1 minute after I started talking she interrupted me saying: " Have I met you before?" I told her yes, and that she interviewed back in June. She then ask me to tell her my favorite product. I told her 187 brush. She asked me why and told me to show the brush to her on the brush belt. I did. She then asked me" Sell me this brush" I did. After talking and talking she said " That's good. You sold it to me" I then sat down again and she asked me why she didn't asked me to come in for a demo interview the first time she interviewed me. I told her I didn't know. She looked confused and said " maybe you didn't have enough experience back then" I said "maybe not...". She asked me what store/counter I would like to work for. She then asked me what I was going to do on november 3rd(3 weeks from that day!) and I said I wasn't gonna do anything. She then asked me to go to the Mac Store in a certain location to do a demo with the MRO. I said " Of course". This time around I was completely myself, smiling and relaxed because I knew what to expect. Funny thing was... those were the only questions she asked me this time. Took less than 10 minutes!
When the demo interview came I was completely ready for it. Thanks to specktra I knew exactly whay to do

Last week I had my demo...
I took my sister as my model. My trainer was really nice! She gave a scenario and ask me to choose a look from some magazine's pages they had. Now check this out if you think you heard everything you need to know about demos..... she asked me to do EYES AND LIPS only and gave me 20 min. I thought " SWEET!". I sanitized everything and then I layed my products(which they selected themselves, I couldn't choose) on a tissues. She let me choose my own L/S, L/G AND L/L. I started talking to my sister like she was a real customer and explaining everything I was doing and why I was doing. How the colors complemented her skin, naming the brushes, explaining why the brushes were good, how she could the same brush for different purposes,... EVERYTHING! The trainer seem really happy and asked if I had done makeup before and we started talking about my experience(I have my own bridal business and I used to work at a salon and I also went to makeup school few years ago)then I asked to trainer if I could have a mirror cause I wanted to show my customer what I was doing so she could reproduce at home. She seemed impressed that I remember that

I informed my trainer I was done. And she said " already?! You still have 6 minutes.... you were my fastest demo today!"

She analyzed my sister and said it looked great. Asked me what I did and to rate my makeup skills. I then offered her to clean everything and put the lip stuff back in the shelfs. She said it wasn't needed, but I told her I didn't want to leave a mess for the next person. She said " OMG... that is so nice of you! you need to come work at our store!" lol
After that she told me I need to go downstairs and meet with the MRO. My sister went shopping! lol My trainer introduced me to the MRO and before she left I noticed she gave him two thumbs up.

I had to wait a little bit cause they were interviewing A LOT of girls... apparently it was a day with demos booked all day. I felt a little intimidaded by that but I didn't let my nervous get the best of me

When it was my turn I was completely honesty and truly answered what I believed. He asked a lot of retail questions, sales experience, how I would meet my goals, customer service, what I did I think working for MAC was.... it took about 35-40 min. Very long but fun.. I truly connected to him... and felt really positive. He was really nice as well! When he asked me If I had questions I asked him a million things I wanted to know and we were just talking like old friends! =)
After I was finished, I made sure to ask what were to next steps. He told me they were still interviewing people that day and the day after, but I should hear something whitin the couple of weeks.
So today... exactly 6 days after my demo I got a called from the same lady from the first interview offering me the job!!!

I was so happy I wanted to scream... but I couldn't cause I was at work.
Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to tell my whole experience.
My tips for you guys would be.... Be persistent. If they don't call you back, give them a call. See what's going on. If doesn't work out.... give 3 months and then try again! Be honest... be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. Give real answers. Don't be afraid to ask questions.... you're not expected to know everything right away. They know you are a human after all!!! and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS FOLLOW UP. Thank them for their time.... even if they don't reply back.
I hope this helps all of you!!!! Good luck =)


Well-known member
Re: Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

I forgot to mention.... during the whole process which it was quite long... I applied to work at estee lauder as well and did 3 interviews(talent plus, face to fae and then witth counter manager) and got offered the job but I felt like my heart wasn't there... I wanted MAC. So I took a bold move and turned down the job to wait for MAC. Thanks got it turned out ok!

Jackie O

Well-known member
Re: Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

congrats to you! I LOVE hearing about MAC nerbies, welcome to the family! lol I just got hired a month ago myself, last week was my first week. you're going to LOVE IT!
Re: Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

Congratulations sweetie! I love reading about everyones success stories with being hired on at MAC. Can I ask about the makeup you wore to your interview? I have an interview with them coming up in a week and I'm trying to figure out my outfit and makeup. I read that I SHOULD wear heels, but at 5'11", it's hard working in heels (when my model is tiny). As for makeup, I read that it should be fierce (of course), but how colorful can it be? I love doing my hot pinks or like purples. Would that be ok? Sorry if I'm asking a TON of questions, I'm just super nervous everyone. Thanks in advance and again, congrats doll! Totally happy for you!!!


Well-known member
Re: Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

Hi Girl!!
Its fine... you can totally ask me anything.
I wore for the first interview sort of a gold and brown smokey eyes and nude lips. for the second sit down interview I did a purple(love purple!!) eyes... sort of playing with different shades of purple and vanilla pigment. for the demo and I went all the way and did a smokey eyes with silver and black and #7 lashes from MAC and viva glam lipstick. I think your makeup should reflect your personality and who you are. Don't try to do something you're not comfortable and don't like. I love smokey eyes and dramatic looks, but I don't play with colors so much(such as blues, greens, yellows) So I didn't wanted sell myself like that... I wanted to stay true to the way I was. Of course I am going to be trying many different colors and looks being a MAC artist, but initially I wanted them to have a feel of whom I was.


Well-known member
Re: Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

ohhhh... about the heels! I'm a 5'08 and I don't feel like I have the need of super heels either. For all of my interviews I wore professional shoes(one time open toes... with pedicure done) but they were not really high. About 3 inches which I don't consider that high. =)
As long it looks professional, I don't think that huge heels matters.


Well-known member
Re: Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

That's a great story and CONGRATS!!!

What a good idea to take your sister... then you can just pretend like you're doing her makeup like any other day and forget about the pressure of the demo.

Good luck with your new job


New member
What make up for a MAC DEMO?

hey.. i have my mac demo at the end of the month.. passed my telephone and second interview.... im really hoping this is the last stage!!

sorry if some of this has been covered in other threads.. in my second interview they were asking me a lot about current trends, and talking about creativity.. does anyone have any idea what sort of make up they will expect me to do? should i just go for something really high fashion?

from what a few girls said in the store on the day of my second interview i think there were a lot of women going for the job that had much more experience than me (professionally anyway).. does anyone have any ideas of what i can do to impress them as i reeeaaally want this job!!!
Re: Got hired at MAC! This is my story VERY LONG!!!

Thanks so much for sharing the info! This is actually a 1 shot deal type of interview I think. They're doing my 1st interview and demo the same day and told me to bring my SS card, I'd and a voided check. So I'm assuming those are for IF I'm hired on the spot (huge if). I'm totally hoping and praying and crossing my fingers that I get this job. But anyways, thank you SO much again and I definitely wish you the best of luck with your new job!


Well-known member
Re: What make up for a MAC DEMO?

Definitely go for something thats on trend! My advice would be to practice the look you are going to wear beforehand, so on the day its perfect! (and also, practice a fews looks on your model as well! Think about what you would do if they told you to do any look you like!)
Also, consider what your weaknesses are as an artist (e.g lipliner/eyeliner/bold lips etc) and really practice these so if they ask you to do something like that you're prepared.
Hope that helps

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